Wang Student Wins the Youth Division of “Lowell Story” Telling

A very poised and articulate young lady took the podium at the 175th Celebration at Lowell City Hall yesterday afternoon. As fellow-blogger Dick Howe remarked in an earlier post ” the reading of the winning “Lowell Story” essay was a highlight” of the event. Kierstyn Brady and her family agreed that we could post her essay here on the blog. There is a requirement that the Lowell Story be told in 150 words or less.

     The boulevard lights flickered on one at a time, dramatically twinkling in the dark water below. As you travel down the almost forlorn walkway, you hear a steady beat in the distance. Closer. The music drowns out the silence of the path behind you.

     My hands are steady. A smile is strategically plastered on my face as the dancers in the sparkly blue costumes exit the stage. This is it.

     Our pale, angelic dresses flowed behind us as the eight of us sauntered onto the cement platform. Beyond the bubble of silence surrounding us, the audience was restless.

     And then we were dancing.

     I could feel the music moving through my body, through the crowd, off into the night. But, as soon as it began, our performance came to a close. And so ends the story of a night dancing on the Sampas Pavillion, Lowell.


The  separate Lowell story contest open only to Lowell students between the ages of 12 and 18  was an opportunity to win an iTunes gift card. Congratulations to Kierstyn!

The main Lowell Story contest is still open for Community entries until May 11, 2011. 

One (1) Grand Prize winner will receive 2 Season Passes to the Lowell Summer Music Series!  Plus, three (3) runners up will receive a $50 gift certificate to a Lowell restaurant.  Many other entries will be featured online throughout the year.

To enter check out the Lowell175 website here:


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