Newt Gingrich’s Patriotism Leads to Infidelity

Lately, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich talks more and more about a possible run for president in 2012.  Early on, one of the major issues candidate Gingrich will need to address is his past infidelities. Recently, Gingrich sat down with David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network and talked about religion and past mistakes. During that interview the Speaker made this statement regarding his past…

There’s no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and that things happened in my life that were not appropriate,”

Now, I truly respect Gingrich’s repentance and his dedication to his religion…but, it seems to me Newt is saying one of the reasons he cheated on his wife was because he loved his country? That’s a new one.

Then again…maybe its not so new…After Brutus killed Julius Caesar 2000 years ago, I think he spinned the crime in a similar way… “It is not that I loved Caesar less, it is that I loved Rome more”.

Listen for your self…