Greater Lowell Area Democrats (GLAD) To Gather on Saturday January 15, 2011 for Business Meeting and Caucus Training

The first regular breakfast meeting of Greater Lowell Area Democrats for the New Year will be held this Saturday January 15, 20011  at 8am at the Independence Grill at the Radisson Hotel in Chelmsford. The regular agenda will include: discussion of the upcoming Democratic Convention caucuses (February 5th- 19th); the 5th District and other redistricting plans;  and host committee plans for the MDP Convention in Lowell (June 4, 2011). Local and federal legislative activities are also on the agenda. The tragic events in Tuscon and the President’s address at the University of Arizona memorial service are sure to be on the minds of GLAD members – and will also be discussed.

PLEASE NOTE:  There will be a Caucus Training session immediately after the regulatr meeting agenda is concluded – between 9 -9:15am. Tom Larkin and other members of the Democratic State Committee will conduct the session.

Please read the “Delegate Selection” section from the Preliminary Call to Convention” before the session.

GLAD Members, Associates and interested Democrats – especially town and ward chairs – are urged to attend this first meeting of 2011 and the training session to follow.

Directions: Independence Grill at the Radisson Hotel – Exit 34/Rte. 495 – take right off Rte 110 at the hotel sign / parking in front and behind the hotel.

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