Jackie Kennedy On Twitter – 50 Years Later

 Throwing the bouquet at Hammersmith Farm in Rhode Island after the September 12, 1953 Kennedy nuptials.

Twitter has become an opportunity to pull history – whether at the daily event level or with weighty moments – into the 21st Century. In 1960 when the Senator John F. Kennedy was running for President, his wife Jackie was barred by her doctors from joining him on the campaign trail. She was pregnant and her pregnacies were difficult. To ward-off any negative views of her absence, Jackie Kennedy wrote a a newspaper column – “Campaign Wife” – in which she shared her ideas on campaign issues as well as child-rearing and shopping all wrapped in the personal stories people wanted to read.

A half-century later, the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library is using Twitter to re-create Jackie’s weekly glimpses into the life of a presidential candidate’s spouse.

The Twitter feed, @JBK1960, is a companion to the JFK Library’s ongoing Twitter feed @Kennedy1960, which reconstructs day-to-day developments in the 1960 campaign and had more than 3,600 followers by Friday.

Read more here from the NECN website: http://www.necn.com/09/17/10/Jackie-joins-Twitter-50-years-after-JFK-/landing_scitech.html?blockID=313090&feedID=4213