Get Your Shoes On


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I saw the aerial-view pictures of the “restore America’s values” rally in Washington, D.C. The organizers and attendees deserve credit for an impressive looking gathering. A lot of people. They put their shoes on and showed up to make a point and pump themselves up.

The population of the U.S. is somewhere north of 307 million. There are more than 170 million registered voters out of a voting-age population of more than 212 million (figures from In our democratic republic all the registered and voting-eligible folks have an opportunity to speak  out,  hold signs, distribute leaflets, write and publish their views in print and on the web, call talk shows, upload videos to the ‘net, donate to candidates and causes of their choice, vote in primaries and general elections, and otherwise express their political views.

Participation is possible at the local, state, federal, and global levels.

Please discuss.

3 Responses to Get Your Shoes On

  1. Greg Page says:

    Tocqueville was right — we’re a nation of joiners and activists. Pretty impressive that they could gather that many people, but to do it on a beautiful Saturday in late August, just before the kids go back to school…even better.

    Has anyone out in RH-land seen any press lately about the Modern Whigs? They haven’t gained much traction, but they have a neat concept — they’re trying to appeal to people who think of themselves as fiscally conservative but socially progressive, or at least open-minded. I was really excited when I first heard about them…then I checked out their platform and found that, just like the Rs and the Ds, they’ve got some stuff I like and some stuff I don’t.

    I know there is some validity to assessments that say our two-party system is in many ways hopelessly broken. However, I think the tradeoff you have to make is that if you want to participate (whether as a volunteer, activist, strategist, candidate, speechwriter, organizer, etc.), the best way to do it is either through an interest group or through one of the existing parties. You can stay ideologically pure by keeping your distance from all of it, but it’s a lonelier way to walk.

  2. Deb Forgione says:

    I think the frustration is the Democratic Party and Republican Party cannot survive without big money therefore it feels like the average citizen’s voice is not heard. We just want jobs. We like to take care of ourselves. We like to help those who are in more need of assistance. We are a generous nation, But when we see jobs are scarce for the ” average American” and no immediate plan for jobs you get frustrated that the people making decisions for the “average American ” makes over 6 figures? The founding fathers philosophy was after their sessions in Congress go back to their districts and continue making a living with their chosen profession, it was not suppose to be a full time job and career. I think the disconnect with Congress is they do not live the everyday as the people they represent. I know they listen, but it is quite different when you live the frustration. I agree we should be an educated nation, but you also need the labor, the people that build things, invent and build. We can not be a whole nation of college graduates. You have to have a balanced work force and give labor the respect it should have. China’s first fall was everyone became a Confucious, everyone philosophized, no one did anything. no one made anything. Their modern day success is because they build, they labor, History always repeats itself…..and if we do not learn from history what is the future? I think that is why the Tea Party is appealing to so many people