“Deep In The Weave” by Paul Marion for National Poetry Month

From the website of artist, author, educator – Susan Gaylord:

Today’s poetry month post is a tribute to my friend Paul Marion the unofficial poet laureate of Lowell, MA. In my calligraphy years, his poems were a frequent source of content. Rather than list his many accomplishments and projects, I’ll just send you to Paul’s website. There you can find a link to a wonderful article about Paul in Yankee Magazine by Geoffrey Douglas in 2009, see Paul reading his poem Dylan Sings to Kerouac at the Kerouac Memorial in Lowell, and go to Loom Press which publishes books by emerging writers and artists from the New England area.

And here’s a link to an earlier post of mine about Paul’s book, What Is The City?

In Honor of National Poetry Month/ by Paul Marion