Author Archive

Living Madly: Quiet, Please

Living Madly: Quiet, Please By Emilie-Noelle Provost I’ve always had a low tolerance for noise. I can clearly remember being in the first grade and looking forward to the time each afternoon when our teacher would tell us it was time to sit at our desks and read quietly. It…

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“We Need You!”

We need you! – (PIP #31) By Louise Peloquin      We’ve met three young locals – Raymond Marcouillier, Aimé Martin and Paul Blanchette – who served in the armed forces during World War II. (1) On the home front, where were civilians working? The following advertisements give us examples of job…

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Uncle Arthur’s Crazy Friends

Charlie Gargiulo’s memoir, Legends of Little Canada, captures life in Lowell’s “Little Canada” and the trauma experienced by its residents when their homes were demolished by Urban Renewal. Legends is available from Loom Press. In a serialized sequel to Legends, Charlie is sharing some stories about his beloved Uncle Arthur.…

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“Over there in the Pacific”

“Over there in the Pacific” – (PIP #30) By Louise Peloquin After the World War II reports on soldier Raymond Marcouillier (1) and seaman first class Aimé Martin (2), here is one on seaman first class Paul Blanchette. After the war, Paul Blanchette worked as civil agent in the City of Lowell postal…

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Lowell Politics Newsletter: May 5, 2024

No single issue dominated Tuesday’s Lowell City Council meeting although several items deserve mention. The Lowell Public Schools came up several times, most notably when Superintendent of Schools Liam Skinner appeared to answer questions about a batch of “bad bills” the Council was being asked to ratify. For several years…

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