More Music at UMass Lowell
In addition to the David Amram 80th birthday tribute on Dec. 9, UMass Lowell has several concerts in the next two weeks that are free and open to the public. The Durgin and Fisher venues are wheelchair accessible.
“Classical String Music” with UMass Lowell students directed by Mark Berger. Dec. 1, 7.30 pm. Fisher Recital Hall in Durgin Hall, 35 Wilder Street, UMass Lowell South Campus (parking available in the lot at Wilder and Broadway)
“Studio Orchestra Concert” directed by Walter Platt. Dec. 1, 7.30 pm. Durgin Concert Hall.
“Annual Alumni & Commmunity ‘Messiah’ Sing” led by Handel expert Murray Kidd. Dec. 3, 7.30 pm. Durgin Concert Hall.
“Senior Recital with piano performance major Matt DiMuccio.” Dec. 5, 4 pm. Fisher Recital Hall.
“Contemporary Electronic Ensemble” directed by Michael Testa. Dec. 5, 7.30 pm. Durgin Hall.
“Percussion Ensemble Concert” directed by Jeffrey Fischer. Dec. 6, 7.30 pm. Durgin Concert Hall.
“Concert Band in Concert,” featuring the 90-piece group conducted by Dan Lutz. Dec. 8, 7.30 pm. Durgin Concert Hall.
“Jazz Lab Concert” directed by Walter Platt. Dec. 8, 7.30 pm. Fisher Recital Hall.
“Opera Workshop Scenes” with student performers in full costume and musical director Bonnie Anderson. Dec. 10, 7.30 pm. Fisher Recital Hall.
And don’t forget the City of Lights parade on Saturday, Nov. 27, which includes the UMass Lowell Marching Band led by Dan Lutz.
Also of note is the Dec. 9, 5 to 7 pm, reception for the Fall 2010 UMass Lowell BFA Exhibition in the University and Dugan art galleries on the South Campus. The exhibit runs through January 7.