“Body of Sgt Brick arrives in Lowell”
Another story from Eileen Loucraft about a veteran from Lowell who died in the service of his country during World War One, this one from the September 30, 1920 newspaper:
The body of the late Sergt. George W. Brick, son of Mrs. Winnifred Brick of 119 Pleasant street, a former member of Company S, old Sixth regiment and of C company, 6th Pioneers, who died at St. Nazaire, France, Oct. 11, 1918, from pneumonia, arrived in this city this morning aboard the 9 o’clock New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad train and was removed to the funeral parlors of Undertakers C. H. Molloy Sons in Market st.
The military funeral will take place Sunday afternoon at 3.30 o’clock from the funeral parlors of Undertakers C.H. Molloy Sons. Secretary Eli B. Hart, secretary of Lowell post, American legion, who is in charge of the military end of the funeral, stated this morning that arrangements for the funeral will be completed sometime today and that particulars will be published in the newspapers tomorrow.