You can help renovate the City Council chamber
Sean Harmon, the driving force behind the citizen-led initiative to renovate the City Council chamber at Lowell City Hall, shares the news that donations to the cause would be welcomed. To become part of this effort, make your check in any amount payable to The Lowell Plan, FBO Council Chamber Renovation and send that check to Sean Harmon] at Harmon’s Paint, 314 Market St., Lowell, MA 01852.
Sean states that the donations are tax-deductible and that donors will receive a letter from The Lowell Plan, thanking them for their generosity in support of the City Council Renovation Project.
The councilors/ board members sit with their backs to the audience in comfortable chairs. The audience sits on crummy chairs or benches and often can’t hear what’s being said. I don’t go to city hall to see what color the walls are painted. More respect should be given to people who come to show their concern about Lowell’s issues. When you’re sitting in the cheap seats it’s a misery.