Meet our newest Senator

Massachusetts has a new Senator (or will within a few days). His name is William “Mo” Cowan and up until Governor Patrick appointed him to this post a day or two ago, I have no memory of seeing him or hearing him, certainly not in person and I doubt even in a photo. These days, my first choice for learning more about a topic is YouTube so I went there and searched “Mo Cowan.” A few clips from the Senatorial announcement ceremony at the state house popped up, but the clip I thought gave the best and most concise glimpse at our new Senator was the following one, filmed in 2010 by Northeastern University Law School (Cowan is a 1994 graduate) while Cowan was serving as Governor Patrick’s Chief Legal Counsel.


One Response to Meet our newest Senator

  1. kad barma says:

    Kudos for emphasizing “outsider” vs “insider” and choosing a plain-spoken person based on the Governor’s confidence and his candidate’s qualifications. Regardless of Frank’s experience, his mooting was one of the most divisive issues among the constituency, and would have sent an extremely negative signal to the next generation of potential leaders across the board. Let those folks campaign. But let’s send someone unbeholden to lobbyists, campaign financiers, and old habits to Washington. Good choice.