Potions and Powders (1924)

Potions and Powders – (PIP # 58)

By Louise Peloquin

              Ailments of all sorts have always made people try remedies of all sorts.

L’Etoile’s “medicinal briefs” not only informed the readership about popular remedies but also brought in a bit of advertising revenue.

Below is a sampling. How would today’s FDA label these potions and powders? (1) 


L’Etoile – December 8, 1924


You can rely on Hill’s Cascara Bromide Quinine to cure a cold in 24 hours or the flu in three days.

                It is the fastest remedy for a rapid cure. Millions of people know about it.

                Ask for the original red box with Mr. Hill’s image and signature. Sold in all pharmacies. Price 20 cents.

R. HILL CO.                                  DETROIT, MICH.


L’Etoile – September 9, 1924 & October 22, 1924


              Relieve your oppressed and painful stomach. Stop the congestion. Relieve that bad cold instantly.

              “Red Pepper Rub” is the cold remedy which brings the fastest relief. It cannot be harmful and it seems to stop the misery and chase away congestion and pain.

               Red pepper gives concentrated, fast and penetrating heat like nothing else. And when the heat penetrates, congestion, painful muscles and stiff joints are relieved immediately.

               The moment you apply “Red Pepper Rub” you will feel soothing heat. In three minutes, the congested area is heated through and through. When you suffer from colds, rheumatism, back aches, stiff neck or painful muscles, get a jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub at the pharmacy. Always ask for ‘Rowles.’



              Rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, backache, stiff neck, sore muscles, sprains, and stiff joints – when you suffer to the point that you can hardly move, just try Red Pepper Rub.

                Nothing gives such concentrated and penetrating heat as red pepper and when the heat penetrates the painful congested areas, you get immediate relief.

                As soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub, you feel its stimulating heat. In three minutes, the painful area is entirely heated and the pain disappears.

               Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made of red peppers, is low-cost and can be found at any pharmacy. Buy a jar right now. Be sure to buy the real remedy with the name “Rowles” on every jar.


L’Etoile – September 9, 1924

Head Congestion or cold?

              If you have a stuffy nose, sore throat, congestion or a cold, rub a bit of pure antiseptic, germicidal cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through all air passages, softening swollen, inflamed membranes. You will obtain instant relief.

                How good one feels to have clear nostrils. No more sniffling, dryness or effort to breathe. Purchase a little bottle of Ely’s Cream Balm at any pharmacy. Colds and congestion cease as if by magic. Do not stay stuffy. 


L’Etoile – October 27, 1924


              Do not remain on cold ground, avoid drafts, keep your feet dry, do not eat sweets for several days, drink a lot of water and especially, take a spoonful of Jad Salts from time to time in order to diminish toxic urinary acids.

                Rheumatism is caused by acids which begin in the intestines and enter into the blood. Kidneys remove this acid and eliminate it in urine. Skin pores also remove impurities from the blood. During cold, damp or rainy weather, pores are closed and oblige the kidneys to work harder. They become weak, lazy and fail to remove the poison which accumulates in the system. Finally, it stays in the joints causing stiffness, harm and the pain called rheumatism.

                At the onset of rheumatism pain, purchase Jad Salts at the pharmacy. Put a tablespoon in a glass of water and drink before breakfast for a week. This helps get rid of acids and waste and stimulates the kidneys to eliminate poisons  from the blood.

                Jad Salts are not costly and are made of grape acid and lemon juice mixed with lithia. Thousands of people have experienced relief.



              No man or woman can make a mistake by cleaning out the kidneys from time to time, says a famous authority. Too much rich food creates acids which block the kidneys making them lazy and causing them to only partially filter the waste and poisons from the blood. Therefore, one falls ill – rheumatism, headaches, liver troubles, nervousness, dizziness, insomnia and bladder disorders. This is often due to lazy kidneys.

                As soon as you feel dull pain in the kidneys or have a backache; if your urine is cloudy and full of waste, or causes a burning sensation when passing, begin drinking a lot of cool water. Also, purchase Jad Salts at the pharmacy and take a tablespoon in a glass of water before breakfast for several days. Then your kidneys will work well,

               These famous salts are made of grape juice and lemon combined with lithia and have been used for years to help cleanse blocked kidneys, stimulate them and neutralize acids in the system. Thus, bladder disorders are often relieved.

               Jad Salts are low cost and can do no harm. They make a desirable effervescent drink that everyone can take from time to time to help keep the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thus preventing dangerous kidney illnesses. In any case, have your kidneys examined at least twice a year by your physician. 


L’Etoile – September 9, 1924


              The very instant one applies Mint-Sulphur on burning scaly skin, healing begins, says a renown skin specialist. This sulphur preparation, made into a pleasant cream, provides such prompt relief, even for burning eczema, that nothing has surpassed it yet.

                By destroying germs, it soothes irritation, heals eczema immediately and treats ugly rashes, spots and roughness.

                You should not wait to find relief. You can get a jar of Rowles Mint-Sulphur in all pharmacies. (2)


  1. Although it was not known by its present name until 1930, the FDA’s modern regulatory functions began with the passage of the 1906 Pure Food and Drugs Act, signed into law by President Theodore Roosevelt prohibiting interstate commerce in adulterated and misbranded food and drugs. The FDA was created to protect public health and ensure the quality of food, medicine and cosmetics.
  2. Translations by Louise Peloquin.

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