Lowell War Dead: World War II

This is the third installment of the names of those Lowell residents who died while serving in the military during time of war. Today, World War II.

World War II (436 names)


Adie, Donald M
Alberghene, Bruce
Allard, Georgiana F

Balfrey, Robert E

Baron, Richard S

Beauchesne, Paul M

Beek, Robert F

Belisle, Raymond R

Bevan, James C Jr

Birchall, William H Jr

Bradford, Russell A

Brissette, Normand

Brunelle, Joseph A

Burkhart, Jacob

Byrne, Thomas H

Ceci, Lino P

Chakarian, K William

Clark, James P

Conley, Thomas H Jr

Cournoyer, Joseph A

Dailey, Owen P

Dallaire, Wilbert J

Dalli, Ernest P

Desmarias, Edward

Dumais, Armand

Ecklund, Eric B Jr

Edmonds, Clifton E

Frechette, Armand E

Galotta, Edward J

Gaudet, Arthur J

Geddes, Henry E

Genlakos, George

Gibbons, William H

Gionet, Robert C

Gleason, Thomas J

Gormley, John F

Harding, John W

Iverson, James A

Keane, Robert H

Keefe, Joseph F

Lepacki, Alphonse B

Lemire, Wilfred H

Lund, Paul I

Manning, Edward P

Marchand, Raymond O

Marshall, Matthew J

Matthews, Robert T

McPolin, James L

Metropolis, Charles

Morin, Raymond L

Morse, Kendall H

Mulvey, C Edward

Nannery, Lawrence W

Normandy, William F

O’Connor, Daniel J

O’Donnell, Richard E

O’Rourke, James S

Patrie, Howard R

Rayball, William

Raymond, John V

Redhead, Benjamin E

Runels, Ralph C

Ryan, William J

Saracino, Joseph J

Sheehan, Thomas F

Simard, Paul E

Slavin, William A

Sousa, Frank

St. Amand, Leo R

Targ, John T

Tarsa, Peter W

Taylor, Herbert H

Tracy, George J Jr

Trudel, Venance H

Tsendeas, Louis

Turcotte, Joseph A

Turcotte, Lionel O

Turcotte, Robert T

Vigeant, Paul R

Webster, Frederick L Jr

Wewiorski, Mitchell W

Whaley, Francis L

Wright, John E

Yinaopoulos, Peter P


Albert, Joseph E

Belley, Gerard U

Cogan, Joseph H

Dobson, Julian K

Dziegiel, Edmond J

Espinola, Edward

Fontaine, Raymond E

Fox, Bryan G

Gagnon, Warren A

Green, George H

Iannuzzo, George R

Lamson, Howard J

Leary, Joseph W

Maguire, Theodore F

Martineau, Raymond P

Murphy, Paul R

O’Sullivan, Francis W

Ouellette, Wilfred G

Quattrochi, Louis J

Quinn, James H

Roan, John J Jr

Rosewicz, Alexander C

Scondras, James P

Trudeau, Racine G

Wojas, Julian J


Ahearn, George E

Alexakos, James G

Almeida, Francis R

Anderson, Robert L

Aubin, Benjamin F

Aubut, William G

Aunchman, Gerald J

Axon, Donald E

Barry, Edward A

Bastien, Armand E

Batsakis, James

Baxter, George L

Beaupre, Thomas J

Bellegarde, Gerald J

Bennett, Hutchins C

Bentis, James

Blake, W Herbert Jr

Bonefant, Frank W

Boudreau, Henry J

Boule, Albert J

Bourassa, Frank A

Bourassa, Ralph D

Bourassa, Wilfred F

Boyle, Arthur F

Briggs, Raymond

Brodley, Francis W

Brouillette, Charles B

Brown, Everett W

Bryan, Thomas

Burke, Warren J

Caires, Americano

Caires, Charles J

Cadieux, Henry J

Callery, James J

Chalifoux, Joseph E A

Chamberland, Roland

Chandler, David H

Chandler, William W

Chevalier, Adelard J

Ciemiega, Stanley J Jr

Coffey, William J Jr

Colbath, Chester G

Collette, Joseph E

Collings, Orville R

Contakos, Anthony C

Cook, Gerald F

Cooney, Daniel P

Cooper, Robert W Jr

Coronios, Harry

Costa, Joseph

Cote, Leo R

Couchon, Lionel

Courture, Paul A

Crafts, Charles F

Cram, Alfred B

Creegan, P Joseph

Cummings, Charles H

Cunningham, H Russell

Curran, Bernard J

Curry, James M

Curtis, Calvin W

Cryan, Thomas

Daley, John J

Dallaire, Albert F

Dallaire, Arthur B

Cavides, Vernon

Davis, Eugene L

Decuyke, John

Descheneaux, Arthur J

Desmarais, John B

Desmarais, Lionel A

Dion, Omer A

Donley, Francis E

Donaghue, Michael F

Drolet, Albert J

Duffy, William J

Dufresne, Alfred R

Dufresene, Elisee

Dumont, Donald

Dunn, Raymond C

Durand, Romeo P

Ekengren, Paul A

Eliopoulos, George E

Emond, Henry A

Evens, Phillip C

Falardeau, John J

Farley, James L

Farmer, Paul A

Farris, Francis

Fay, Howard W

Fecteau, Roland

Fell, James P

Fell, John A

Flanagan, Edward

Flynn, Walter J

Fortier, Armand J

Fournier, Leion W

Galgus, Julius

Gardner, William J

Garside, Walter C

Gauthier, Robert M

Gearin, Raymond H

Gelineau, Leo H

Gentz, J Francis

Gentz, Thomas G

Georges, Arthur

Georgoulis, Esphstratios

Gilbert, Wallace S

Gillis, John J

Gilmore, Edward M

Giroux, Roland J

Gorman, Joseph P

Goward, Edward T

Gregoire, Peter W

Harley, Joseph F

Harpoot, Burgess C

Helm, Charles J

Herlihey, Raymond J

Heslin, John R

Higgins, Edward J

Hird, Winfield A

Hodnett, James J Jr

Hope, William H

Howard, Robert

Hughes, Robert E

Hunt, John C

Hurley, John J Jr

Iverson, George W

Ivos, Costas A

Jean, Roland A

Johnson, Eugene

Johnson, Norman M

Judge, Joseph F

Kanellass, Peter

Karvellas, Peter W

Katibian, Gerald J

Kazlauskas, Joseph R

Kearns, Robert T

Kelley, James W

Kelley, William J

Keter, John J

Keter, Thomas J

Kijanka, Stanley J

Koczera, Edwin J

Kostrzewa, Stephen

Koumantzelis, John G

Krupowicz, Benjamin

Lachance, Joseph J

Laferriere, Raymond L

Lamarine, Robert A

Lamoureux, Joseph H

Lane, Richard J

Lanigan, Hames F Jr

Laporte, Alphege L

Lappage, Walter D

Lazaraksi, James L

Lebednick, John C

Leddy, John E

Lefebvre, Roland

Leland, Allen F

Lemire, Lionel J

Lemire, Paul R

Lepine, Andrew F

Lequin, Camille R

Limberopoulos, Peter V

Linkiewicz, Charles A

Lippe, Roland C

Lis, John A

Lis, Walter J

Lozeau, Arthur J

Lussier, Herve J

Mack, William D

MacPhail, Wallace A

MacRitchie, Wallace E

Mahan, John J

Mailee, Ernest F

Malo, Wilfred J

Mansfield, Quentin

Martin, Douglas A

Martineau, Gerard A

Masse, Armand A

Matthew, Wilfred L

Matthews, John E

McCarthy, Timothy J

McCarthy, William J

McDermott, Vincent P

McEarlane, Paul E

McErlane, Peter J

McGuigan, John E

McInterney, Charles T

McLean, Vincent R

McManus, Thomas

McNamara, Francis J

McNamara, John R

McQuarrie, Edward F

Megdanis, Thomas J

Menton, John

Mercier, George E

Mercier, Joseph R

Michael, Edward P

Michaels, Arthur

Miller, John B

Moran, George A

Modeski, Ferdinand J

Molloy, Daniel P

Moumousis, Nicolas F

Mountford, Robert C

Mpourles, Vasilios C

Murningham, Paul L

Murphy, Cornelius D Jr

Murray, Martin P

Nadeau, Paul J

Needham, Leo M

Nelson, Ernest E

Noel, Arthur F

Odiorne, Harold T

O’Donoghue, James F Jr

O’Flahavan, John P

O’Lehey, Patrick M

Osgood, William L

O’Sullivan, John J Jr

Ouellette, Leo A

Palmer, Jackson Jr

Pater, Walter J

Painchaud, Bernard L

Pauette, Donald

Peladeau, Herman W

Perreira, Charles A

Pereira, Manuel B

Pereira, Thomas D

Perreault, Joseph V

Perry, Charles C

Perry, Douglas

Perlman, Lester R

Petropoulos, Nicholas P

Petros, Frederick R

Petrowski, Walter J

Pigeon, James T

Pikula, Adam

Polchlopek, Walter S

Potocke, Stephen

Primeau, Donald

Qua, Richard M

Quinn, John

Quinn, Thomas J

Quirke, William F Jr

Rapone, Antonio J

Reed, Lewis P Jr

Reid, John W

Reilly, John E

Reilly, Joseph M

Riley, David V

Riley, Edwin J

Robert, Herbert W Jr

Robertson, Charles J

Robey, Henry O

Rock, Leon R

Rogerson, Francis L

Rogerson, Henry J

Rondeau, Raymond J

Ross, Elmer G

Rourke, James T

Ryan, William W

Salmon, Sadie H

Sampatacacus, Sampatis G

Sawyer, Avila R

Scondras, David

Sears, Harry A

Sevigny, Gerard

Sevigny, Joseph F

Shapiro, Sumner

Shaughnessy, John J

Shaughnessy, Lawrence R

Shay, Edward W Jr

Silva, Frank E

Singelakis, Evangelos

Sirmopoulos, Evangelos L

Smith, James P

Smith, John J

Smith, Wendell

Sobolewski, William J

Soderstrom, Exel J

Soteropoulos, George T

Starr, James R

Staveley, Raymond W

St Onge, Edmond L

Stromvalla, Ernest M Jr

Sugden, Albert L

Sullivan, Edward J

Sullivan, Edward R Jr

Sullivan, James P

Taisey, Douglas S

Tarpley, John W

Taylor, Charles R

Theriault, Joseph H

Tousignant, Joseph H

Touzin, Leo J

Trottier, Robert W

Trouville, Rudolph L

Twohey, John J

Underwood, John Jr

Urbowicz, Louis

Vaillancourt, Joseph P

Vaillancourt, Nelson J

Vallee, Ernest D

Veillette, Joseph O

Vercellin, Albert J

Vergos, William

Vermilyea, Gerald R

Vieira, John S

Vurgaropulos, John

Vurgaropulos, James C

Walters, George T Jr

Ward, Lee T

Ward, William E

Wiggins, Charles L

Wintel, Russell E

Wojcik, Stanley J

Wylie, Kenneth C

Zouvelos, George


Brewer, Everett S

Gauthier, Arthur L

Gillespie, John S Jr

Jones, Thomas J

Murphy, Paul E


Preble, Vernon W


Crockett, Edward H