Lowell War Dead: SpAm War & WWI

This is the second installment of the names of those Lowell residents who died while serving in the military during time of war. Today, the Spanish-American War and World War I.


Aldrich, Havey M

Bellamy, Herbert C

Billingsly, Edward D

Boyle, William

Braden, Charles H

Conners, John E

Coughlin, Daniel F

Cummings, Chester E

Curran, Michael

Donohue, Patrick E

Dutran, Peter

Hayden, Ralph

Higgins, John

Hunting, Leslie F

Hutchins, Alfred L

Lematrie, Godfrey

Marhsall, John H

McCaffrey, Charles W

McCue, Michael

Nelson, Louis O

O’Hare, Timothy

Pitcher, George A

Regnier, Samuel G

Rourke, Terrance

Ruckledge, William D

Sawyer, Eugene W

Small, Walter

Sullivan, Fred

Tilton, Walter J

Walker, Ralph B

Wallace, Joseph L

Wenden, George C

World War I (111 names)

Angelakos, Constantine

April, Joseph

Belanger, Joseph G.

Bikaris, Arthur

Binette, Wilfred L.

Blanchard, Joseph J.

Boisvert, Albert J.

Boisvert, Bernard L.

Brick, George W.

Brooks, William

Bruce, Walter A.

Buk, Charles K.

Burden, Paul L.

Burke, William J.

Chadwick, Oliver M.

Chalifoux, Philip

Chappell, Raymond E.

Chaput, Philip

Clouartre, William H.

Cognac, Henry J.

Coleman, William E.

Connolly, John J.

Constantineau, Leo W.

Corbett, Michael R.

Cornellier, Charles A.

Cote, Napoleon

Cranna, John R.

Cunnert, Charles

Flannery, Edward J.

Fulton, Everett E.

Gallagher, William

Garner, George W.

Gearin, George P.

Georgulis, Efstratios

Gillis, Edward T.

Gravelle, George H.

Hamelakis, James

Harding, Joseph F.

Harrington, Bernard

Harrison, Frank

Harrison, Harold F.

Hoyle, Ernest H.

Humphreys, Roy L.

Hurd, Ralph G.

Johnson, Edward J.

Julien, Adelard

Kearney, Paul T.

Kelley, Frank H.

Kelly, Duncan

Kirkeby, Solon W.

Kittredge, Paul E.

La Jeunesse, Eugene A.

Lashua, Ralph H.

Lavoie, Leo J.

Little, Edwin T.

McClellan, James W.

McCoy, Howard W.

McDermott, James C.

McDonald, Leo H.

McDonough, Thomas

McGrath, William H.

McKenna, William J.

McMahon, John C.

McOsker, Arthur R.

McOsker, Francis M.

Mercier, Joseph O.

Messer, Raymond B.

Michalopoulous, Athenasios

Mills, John J.

Mollahan, Joseph P.

Molloy, William J.

Montgomery, John W.

Moran, Alfred

Moulton, Peter R.

Mugan, William J.

Murawsky, Josephy

Murray, Stephen A.

Nagle, Timothy

Nelson, Edward A.

Nicole, Joseph O. N.

O’Brien, John A.

O’Donnell, John J.

O’Donoghue, Michael T.

Renaud, Alfred J.

Ricard, Leo A.

Rivet, James D.

Rogers, George P. H.

Roarke, Thomas F.

Roy, Charles J.

Ryan, John H

Salvas, Alfred C.

Saunders, Frederick H.

Seversen, Segur D.

Shonyon, Harley A.

Silk, Bruno

Silk, Gerald R. T.

Silva, Peter

Simonian, Jacob

Stefenik, Albert

Stewart, George F.

Sykes, Edgard W.

Tansey, Eugene A.

Tewksbury, Ralph W.

Theodorou, Christos

Toner, William H.

Trainor, John J.

Tully, Daniel F.

Urbaner, Frank

Veillette, Joseph A.

Vinal, Alberton W.

Wallace, Charles A.

One Response to Lowell War Dead: SpAm War & WWI

  1. David Daniel says:

    Thanks for sharing this roll of honor. Looking at the surnames in the tally offers a unique angle of understanding on the history of who Lowellians have been during the course of the city’s rich history. And reminds us that this steady continuing march of immigration is part of what America is.