Lowell Events Newsletter: June 7, 2024

Lowell resident Belinda Juran compiles an incredibly email newsletter that she distributes to subscribers every couple of weeks. The newsletter lists dozens and dozens of events and activites in Lowell and serves as an excellent community calendar. Belinda graciously granted me permission to repost her newsletter here on richardhowe.com to provide an online presence for her list. Here’s the first edition I’m posting:

I hope you enjoy this list of upcoming activities, events and news in Lowell.


Feel free to share with others, and let me know if you ever want to be removed from this list.


Also, let me know if there are upcoming events you think should be shared and I’ll certainly consider including them in the next issue.


  1. Festivals and Community Celebrations
    1. The Senior Citizens Club of Holy Trinity Polish Church is holding its June Festival with pierogi sales, baked goods and raffles, June 8, 9am-noon, at the Parish Hall, 330 High Street.
    2. AcreFest & Resource Fair will be held June 8, 11am-2pm, North Common Park, 413 Fletcher Street. Organized by Coalition for a Better Acre, you can learn about organizations in Lowell, plus hear music, eat food and participate in raffles.  For info:  https://www.coalitionforabetteracre.org/cba-news/dnnbdsbfv4dnigxzc862dothtbbujx.
    3. The Lowell African Festival is back this year, June 8, 11am-7pm, at Sampas Pavilion, 160 Pawtucket Boulevard, with food, music, performances, and crafts Its theme “Education: The Secret Key to Success.”  For info:  https://africanfestivallowell.org/.
    4. Anthony Church, 893 Central Street, is holding a festival with Portuguese food, drink music and activities, June 8, noon-10pm, and June 9, noon-7pm.
    5. Flag-raisings at City Hall celebrate the many cultures that make up the fabric of Lowell (https://www.lowellma.gov/1410/Flag-Raising). Come celebrate and learn about our neighbors’ cultures.  The next several:
      1. June 10 7pm                 Portugal
      2. June 14 11am               Juneteenth
  • June 15 noon                Pride month
  1. June 24 10am               Franco-American
  2. July 20 1pm                 Colombia
  3. Aug. 3 noon                Puerto Rico
  • Aug. 24 11am               Liberia
  • Sept. 6 6pm                 Brazil
  1. The Center for Hope and Healing is hosting its Let Us Take Care of You(th) evening of self-care on June 13, 3-6pm, 15 Hurd Street. For info, email:  Nicolle@chhinc.org.
  2. Join Greater Lowell Community Foundation for its annual meeting, June 11, 5-7:30pm, UML Coburn Hall, 850 Broadway Street.   Register at https://www.glcfoundation.org/event/glcfs-annual-meeting/.
    1. See also items 5.m, 8b.xiii, 8.b.vxii.
  3. The Black Lowell Coalition will be hosting a Juneteenth Jubilee, June 15, at Muldoon Park, 5 Billerica Street, noon-6pm. All people and pets are welcome!  Lowell’s own Bucky Lew, the first Black pro basketball player, will be celebrated.  The Library’s bookmobile will be there too!  For info:  https://calendar.time.ly/v3rnq4dd/event/77416573/20240615120000 and https://www.blacklowellcoalition.com/event-info/juneteenth-jubilee-lowell-2024.
  4. The Greater Lowell PRIDE Festival will be June 15, with a noon flag-raising at City Hall (see item 1.e.iii), then a parade to the festival at Boarding House Park for festivities. For info:  https://www.greaterlowellhealthalliance.org/greater-lowell-pride-2024/ and https://www.greaterlowellpride.org/.
  5. The Afro-American Community Collaborative will hold its annual Juneteenth Block Party, June 18, noon-6pm, at UTEC, 35 Warren Street, with food, vendors, music. For info:  https://aacommunitycollab.com/#blockparty.
  6. The Holy Trinity Greek Church will hold its annual Greek Festival, June 21-23, on the grounds of the Hellenic American Academy, 41 Broadway Street, with food and music. For info:  https://holytrinitylowell.com/2024/03/greek-festival-2024/.
  7. There will be a World Refugee Day Celebration on June 22 (rain date June 23), 3-7pm, at Sampas Pavilion, 160 Pawtucket Blvd, with games and festivities, hosted by several organizations in Lowell. For info:  https://www.acefornewamericans.org/ace-events/2024-world-refugee-day-celebration.
  8. The Sao Joao Feast festival will held on June 21-23 at the Portuguese American Lowell Youth Center, 739 Central Street.
  9. The Sacred Heart/South Lowell/Ayer’s City neighborhood(s) will hold a summer picnic with games, food and music, June 22, noon-5pm, Father Kirwin Park, 875 Lawrence Street. Bring your own chair/blanket.  For info, email:  ssanglowell@gmail.com.
  10. Franco-American Festival Week is June 24-30 (https://www.facebook.com/LowellFrancoAmericanWeek):
    1. June 23, noon Mass in French, Immaculate Conception Church, 144 East Merrimack Street, followed by the naming of the Greater Lowell Franco-American of the Year
    2. June 24, 10am Flag-raising (see item 1.e.iv)
  • June 24, 6:30-7:30pm Vesper service at Lourdes Grotto, 357 Pawtucket Street, followed by a wine and cheese social
  1. June 26, 6:30-8pm Charlie Gargiulo will read from his book “Legends of Little Canada” and Paul Marion will read poetry, at Dracut Public Library
  2. June 27, 6:30-8:30pm Family bingo will be offered in French and English, St. Rita’s Church, 158 Mammoth Road
  3. June 29, 6-10pm Dance (no experience necessary!) French quadrilles and contra dances, East End Club, 15 West 4th Street
  • June 30, 2-4pm Lowell Poutine Picnic, St. Rita’s Church, 158 Mammoth Road
  1. Join the celebration of World Refugee Day hosted by the International Institute of New England, June 24, 3-6pm, Cowan Center, Middlesex Community College, 33 Kearney Square. For info:  IINE’s Lowell World Refugee Day Event – Campaign.
  2. Auditions of song/dance/poetry/etc. for Lowell Community Health Center’s Dance 4 Peace will be held June 25 & 27, 3-7pm, at MCC Cafeteria, 33 Kearney Square. Register to audition:  https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=ltEGEg65bkOiDUOSpVUhXN7blMeObOdIlEtlRqhgf-pUMzlMQVk0VlE1R0RaU0Q4RU9QWEJNVEhGSC4u&origin=QRCode.
  3. The Cambodian Mutual Assistance Association will hold its annual meeting on June 26, 6-8pm, at UML Innovation Hub, 110 Canal Street. For info, email nchea@cmaalowell.org.
  4. City’s Independence Day celebration and fireworks will be on July 4 (rain date: July 5), Boarding House Park, 40 French Street; events start at 5:30pm, with fireworks starting at 9:02pm.  For info:  https://www.lowellma.gov/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Item/27917?fileID=56653.
  5. Save the dates:
    1. July 26-28 Lowell Folk Festival; consider volunteering:  https://lowellfolkfestival.org/pages/volunteer
    2. Aug. 3-4 Puerto Rican Festival
  • Aug. 4 Lowell Democratic City Committee and Greater Lowell Area Democrats summer picnic, Shedd Park pavilion, 453 Rogers Street, 4:30-7:30pm; for info:  email sally.coulter@gmail.com
  1. Aug. 10 Multicultural Festival, JFK Plaza
  2. Aug. 17 Southeast Asian Water Festival, Pawtucket Boulevard
  3. Aug. 31 Dwelling House of Hope backpack giveaway
  • Aug. 31-Sept. 2 Our Lady of Loreto Feast
  • Sept. 21 Lowell Kinetic Sculpture Race
  1. Sept. 14 Lowell Irish Festival, Lowell Memorial Auditorium
  2. Sept. 14 India Heritage Festival, Pawtucket Boulevard
  3. Sept. 21 Lowell Kinetic Sculpture Race
  1. Oct. 24 Community Teamwork will celebrate the retirement of its CEO, Karen Frederick.
  • Nov. 2, 3-7pm African Community Center of Lowell’s 8th anniversary dinner, with music and traditional dance.  Free.  For info:  info@acclowell.org.


  1. Theater
    1. Merrimack Repertory Theater is continuing its exciting season of plays (https://mrt.org/2023-24season) and check out the art in the lobby, made by Western Avenue artists to complement each production:
      1. And, sign up now for subscriptions to next season: https://mrt.org/2024-25season.
      2. See also item 6.h.vii, 8.b.v.
    2. Dramatically Incorrect theater company will perform its shows at the Chelmsford Center for the Arts (https://ditgdc.org/):
      1. “Connected: The Musical”           June 21-23
      2. “Ghost: The Musical”                   Aug. 23-25
    3. Local actors will appear in short plays by Lowell playwrights Jerry Bisantz and ack Dacey at Chelmsford Center for the Arts, June 7-9. For info and tickets:  chelmsfordarts.org.


  1. Learning: learn, in Lowell, about Lowell, about everything!
    1. Lowell National Historical Park’s guided tours are back: (https://www.nps.gov/lowe/planyourvisit/guidedtours.htm)
      1. Suffolk Mill Tour, leaves from Boott Mills, 115 John Street, 75 minutes:
        • Mondays through Fridays through June 14, 2-3:15pm
        • Mondays, Thursdays through Sundays, from June 15-Oct. 14 (excluding Folk Festival weekend July 27-28), 1-2:15pm
      2. Pawtucket Canal boat tours (fee), leaves from Visitors Center, 246 Market Street; 90 minutes:
        • Through June 14: Saturdays & Sundays, 11am, 2pm, 3pm
        • June 14 throughout summer: daily at 11am, 2pm, 3pm
  • See also item 6.e.
  1. The YWCA, 41 Rock Street, is offering the following. For info and registration, email:  Cnapolitano@ywcaoflowell.org:
    1. Red Cross first aid and CPR training for kids aged 12-17, June 10 and 12, 3-5pm. Those completing certificates are eligible for a $50 gift card.
    2. computer and cell phone support for anyone needing help with computers, phone settings or patient portal access, Tuesdays, 11:30-1pm
  • summer programming for kids aged 7-13, Mondays-Thursdays, 10am-3pm, July 8-Aug. 13. Each session is 2 weeks long and covers a different topic.
  1. UML will host its annual Women’s Leadership Conference June 13, 7:30am-5:30pm at the Tsongas Center, 300 MLK Blvd. For info and registration (fee):  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2024-umass-lowell-womens-leadership-conference-tickets-820325374277?utm_source=sfmc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=FY24_WLC-June_13JUNE2024&utm_term=https%3a%2f%2fwww.eventbrite.com%2fe%2f2024-umass-lowell-womens-leadership-conference-tickets-820325374277&utm_id=955944&sfmc_id=62753724&appealcode=.
  2. MassHire is offering free training for un/under-employed residents at Greater Lowell Technical High School (just over the border in Tyngsboro at 250 Pawtucket Blvd.). Classes run Mon-Thurs from 7am-2pm and include:
    1. Culinary arts June 7 (probably a typo and actually June 17)-Aug. 1 (https://www.gltech.org/cms/lib/MA01930064/Centricity/Domain/4/Culinary%20Arts%20Summer%202024.pdf)
    2. Basic electricity skills June 17-Aug. 1 (https://www.gltech.org/cms/lib/MA01930064/Centricity/Domain/4/Electricity%20Summer%202024.pdf)
  1. Women Accelerators will hold a webinar entitled “From Fear to Fulfillment: Empowering Women’s Journeys” on June 21, noon-1pm.  For info and ticket (small fee):  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/from-fear-to-fulfillment-empowering-womens-journeys-tickets-900832703867.
  2. Sees the stars using the telescopes at the UML Schueller Observatory, 900 Broadway Street, at sunset on June 21, July 19, Aug. 16. Free and open to all.  For info:  https://www.facebook.com/umlastronomy.
  3. The Lowell Historical Society will hold a presentation about the Smith Baker Center’s past, present and future at its annual meeting on June 22, 2pm, at the Pollard Memorial Library ground floor community room. Free and open to the public.  For info:  https://www.lowellhistoricalsociety.org/news-events/.
  4. Historian Dick Howe and leader and author Charlie Gargiulo will lead a Lowell Walk of the Little Canada neighborhood on June 29, 10am. Meet at Coalition for a Better Acre, 517 Moody Street.  For info:  https://richardhowe.com/2024/05/26/lowell-politics-newsletter-may-26-2024/.
  5. Cheer on teams working on new business ideas at UML’s Rist DifferenceMaker Demo Day on July 9, 5-8pm, Saab Center, on University Avenue. For info and registration (free):  https://www.uml.edu/DifferenceMaker/Forms/DifferenceMaker-Event-Registration.aspx.
  6. Several of the 100 posters celebrating the life and work of Annie Powell, a prolific Lowell photographer in the late 1800s/early 1900s, have gone up in offices and businesses around Lowell near where the original photos were taken. See where at:  https://byanniepowell.org/, https://www.instagram.com/byanniepowell/, and https://www.facebook.com/byanniepowell.
  7. Explore Lowell Makes’ makerspace at 150 Western Avenue during its open house tours every Wednesday at 6pm or 7pm. For info:  https://lowellmakes.spaces.nexudus.com/events?public&.
  8. Learn about city government with the monthly “Lowell Current” videos, produced by the City of Lowell and LTC. Watch it, and other Lowell videos, on the City’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCveqRNQP1aDURigsBOwYZ8A.
    1. And follow LTC on Facebook about all its various live and recorded offerings: https://www.facebook.com/ltclowellma
  9. Teachers, consider taking your grades 2-12 classes on a field trip to the Tsongas Industrial History Center. A cool learning experience.  Reserve a spot for the 2024/25 school year.  (Fee.)  For info:  https://www.uml.edu/tsongas/visit/.


  1. Pollard Memorial Library, Lowell’s public library, Literacy and Learning
    1. Our wonderful public library is located at 401 Merrimack Street (next to City Hall).
    2. The elevator is closed for long-needed repairs. The staff will help those who have trouble with stairs in any way they can.
    3. Changes to Library hours:
      1. Closed on June 19 to commemorate Juneteenth
      2. Closed on Saturdays starting July 1 through Labor Day
  • Delayed opening (opens at 11am rather than 9am) first Thursday each month (July 11, 2nd Thursday, in July due to July 4th holiday)
  1. For all events and details about sign-ups (registration is typically required or at least strongly requested):   https://lowelllibrary.org/events/.
  2. See also items 1.h, 3.g, 6.a.i, 6.a.vi.
  3. The Friends’ used book sale will be held June 8: 9am-3pm.
    1. And volunteer to help at the book sale if you can!
    2. See also item 8.f.i.
  4. The Library will have 3 different summer reading programs based on ages/grades. They will run from June 24-Aug. 16. Patrons will use the online program, Beanstack, to track their reading.
    1. The Children’s Reading Program for Grade K-4.  Being-read-to counts so “pre-readers” can participate too!  The program will kick-off on June 25, 7-8pm, ground floor meeting room, with a performance by Alex the Jester. Registration required.
    2. The Young Adult Reading Program for Grades 5 – 12.
  • And there is also a reading program for adults.
  1. For adults and young adults:
    1. Tech support: Registration required
      • Cell phone help: June 13; 11am-1pm, Lowell Senior Center, 276 Broadway Street, 2nd floor computer lab
      • Computer and Internet skills class, June 18, 18; 11am-noon, PML first floor computer area
      • One-on-one Tech help: every Wednesday; 4-5pm and 5-6pm, PML first floor computer area
    2. Lowell House staff will conduct free screenings for gambling disorders, June 13, all day, Merrimack Street entrance.
  • Authors/presentations:
    • Caitlin Cass will discuss her book “Suffrage Song: The Haunted History of Gender, Race and Voting Rights in the U.S.”, June 10, 7-8pm, virtual
    • [cancelled:] Timothy Symington will discuss his book “”Huzza!” Toasting a New Nation, 1760-1815”, the history of the U.S. through toasts, June 11, 6:30-7:30pm, ground floor meeting room
    • Shannon Reed will discuss her book “Why We Read: On Bookworms, Libraries, and Just One Page Before Lights Out”, June 13, 7-8pm, virtual
    • Adam Smyth will discuss his book “The Book-Makers” about the 500-year history of printed books, June 18, 10-11am, virtual
    • Paige McClanahan will discuss her book “The New Tourist: Waking Up to the Power and Perils of Travel,” June 18, 2-3pm, virtual
    • Norma Milligan with the Alzheimer’s Association of MA/NH will discuss healthy living for your brain & body, June 20, 6:30-7:30pm, hybrid: ground floor meeting room or virtual
    • Katherine Ramsland and Tracy Ullman will discuss their book “The Serial Killer’s Apprentice,” June 24, 7-8pm, virtual
    • Scott Ryan will discuss his book “The Last Decade of Cinema,” about movies from the 1990s, June 25, 7-8pm, virtual
    • Lucy Gilmore will discuss her novel “The Library of Borrowed Hearts,” June 26, 7-8pm, virtual
    • Learn about composting from Bootstrap Composting and Mill City Grows, June 29, 1-2pm, ground floor meeting room
  1. Book clubs:
    • International book club: June 12 (“When We Were Birds” by Ayanna Lloyd Banwo), and 2nd Tuesday each month, 6:30-7:30pm (virtual)
  2. Crafting
    • Crafts for adults: June 13 (bird feed painting; supplies provided), and every 2nd Thursday, 6:30-8pm, ground floor meeting room; registration required
    • Try a fiber art: June 27, 5-6pm, ground floor meeting room:  this session will teach you amigurumi crochet (supplies for use during class provided; registration required), then stay for the fiber arts group, if you’d like
    • Fiber arts group: every Thursday, 6-7:30pm (1st floor front alcove, although June 27 session will be in ground floor meeting room); bring your own project and share tips and camaraderie
  3. Free Movie: ground floor community room:
    • The House with a Clock in its Walls,” rated PG; June 15, 1-3pm
  • Creative writing group meets July 1, and the first Monday each month, 6-8pm, ground floor meeting room
  • 1980s trivia game over Zoom, June 7, 7-8:15pm
  1. For Kids (confirm age ranges on the website and please register if the event requires it):
    1. Make a pride button or other colorful jewelry (grades 5-12): June 13, 3-4pm (in person)
    2. Lego Club (grades K-4): June 17; 4-5pm (in person)
  • School’s out hangout, with a craft, board games and snacks (grades 5-12): June 18, 2:30-4pm (in person)
  1. Children’s Book to Art Club (grades 1-4): June 24; 4:30-6pm (in person)
  2. Mother Goose on the Loose (ages 3 and younger, and older siblings can come): June 25; 10:30-11:30am (in person)
  3. Summer story time: June 26, 10:30-11:30am (ground floor meeting room)
  • Creative mending for teens; no experience required; sewing supplies will be provided; bring a piece of clothing you’d like to mend (grades 5-12): June 26, 3-5pm (in person); registration required
  • Baby Yoga (3 weeks to pre-crawlers): June 27; 10-11am (virtual)
  1. Little Makers STEM tinker lab (grades K-4): June 29, 9:30-11:30am, ground floor meeting room; registration required
  1. Keep up with the Library’s new bookmobile (mobile library) at https://lowelllibrary.org/services/bookmobile/ and sign up if you’d like the Library to consider having the bookmobile stop at your event or organization. Some upcoming visits:
    1. June 8, 11am-2pm AcreFest (see item 1.b)
    2. June 11, 10am-2pm Lowell Community Health Center
  • June 13, 9:30-11:30am Lowell Senior Center
  1. June 15, noon-6pm Juneteenth Jubilee, Muldoon Park (see item 1.j)
  2. June 20, 9:30-11:30am Lowell Senior Center
  3. June 22, noon-5pm Sacred Heart/South Lowell/Ayer’s City Summer Picnic (see item 1.n)
  • June 25, 10am-2pm Lowell Community Health Center
  1. Lowell Chess Club, Tuesdays, 5:30-8:30pm, in person.  All levels are welcome to learn and play.
    1. See also item 19.a.i.


  1. Awards and Recognition
    1. Congratulations to the 190 Lowell High School seniors who were awarded 373 scholarships totaling over $625,000 at the Senior Honor Awards Night on May 21. For a video of the event:  https://www.youtube.com/live/s6_nBmlTDMk.
    2. And congratulations to all seniors at Lowell high schools on their graduation!
    3. Lowell High School’s Poetry Club won first place at the “Write Here, Write Now, Speak Loud” Team Slam hosted by MassPoetry. The club’s advisor, Lowell High English teacher Shelby Coe, won the Transcendent Coach’s Award.
    4. Congratulations to the Lowell High students who pitched their business ideas in the UML DifferenceMaker Final Pitch Challenge. Miah Oeur won first place, and other students were also honored.  https://lpsnotebook.wordpress.com/2024/05/29/pitch-perfect/ or https://insidelowell.com/these-final-pitches-are-all-strikes/.
    5. Thank you to the Lowell Public Schools’ students who participated in the annual Civics Day https://lpsnotebook.wordpress.com/2024/05/28/civics-day-2024/.
    6. Congratulations to Lowell Police Captain and community leader Marisol Nobrega for being honored for her strength, intelligence and boldness at Girls Inc. of Greater Lowell’s Celebration of Today’s Woman. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid034fnJyZhYVfLAnncWkSpspVdUrptKQg8JVB9x5xuGbGXK1uS9w25xfTR1iTXBbz4al&id=100064575646121
    7. The Professional Women’s Hockey League’s Boston team made it to the playoff finals, but sadly lost against Minnesota in Game 5. What a great inaugural season in Lowell!
    8. Anne’s Episcopal Church, 8 Kirk Street, celebrated the 200th anniversary of the laying of its cornerstone on May 20. https://www.lowellsun.com/2024/05/29/st-annes-episcopal-church-begins-200th-anniversary-celebration/.
    9. Congratulations to Sue Kim, named next dean of UML’s College of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences! https://www.uml.edu/myuml/submissions/2024/2024-06-04-09-11-41-sue-kim-named-dean-of-umass-lowell.aspx.
    10. Congratulations to Carl Howell, named next CEO of Community Teamwork! https://www.commteam.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/FOR-IMEDIATE-RELEASE-Carl-Howell-Appointed-New-Community-Teamwork-CEO-June-4-2024-002.pdf.
    11. Congratulations to Latinx Community Center for Empowerment and Kids in Tech Inc. for recognition at the Social Innovation Forum’s Annual Social Innovator Showcase. https://www.lowellsun.com/2024/05/30/nonprofit-leaders-recognized-at-social-innovation-forum/.
    12. Congratulations to Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust for a $10,000 grant from NetScout Systems to support the work that the Trust, Mill City Grows and Mass Audubon are doing on the Pawtucket Farm Wildlife Sanctuary. For info: https://www.glcfoundation.org/2024/05/23/netscout-awards-15k-in-community-grants-with-greater-lowell-community-foundation-2/.
    13. Congratulations to Jay Linnehan, CEO of Greater Lowell Community Foundation, who was honored at Greater Lowell Technical High School’s recent golf tournament to raise money for student scholarships.


  1. Events for kids and their families
    1. Lowell Public Schools is holding spring playgroups through June 18.  All are held from 10am-11am.  For registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe21PBmLMQL9GxNrE-OmDBsS4URVz9UhuLXgZ1bYzQdZ5AL3A/viewform.  Here are the details about the location and the language supports for that playgroup (in addition to English, which is available at each group):
      1. Mondays               Pollard Memorial Library, 401 Merrimack Street         Khmer
      2. Tuesdays               Lowell Housing Authority, 580 Chelmsford Street Khmer
  • Tuesdays               YMCA, 35 YMCA Drive            Khmer
  1. Wednesdays         St. Rita’s Church, 158 Mammoth Road                Spanish
  2. Thursdays             YMCA, 35 YMCA Drive           Khmer
  3. Fridays                  Pollard Library, 401 Merrimack Street Spanish
  1. Summer playgroups (with snacks) for kids aged 3-5 will be held at the following sites (to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc9MXX6kpNWAoChnX8Sk41z6Hx3xQpI5OB7vdlveA-9UDN51w/viewform):
    1. July 9 Cardinal Early Learning Center, 21 Carter Street
    2. July 11 Cardinal Early Learning Center, 21 Carter Street
  • July 16 Cardinal Early Learning Center, 21 Carter Street
  1. July 18 Boott Mill Park, 115 John Street (followed by item 6.d)
  2. Aug. 13             Cardinal Early Learning Center, 21 Carter Street
  3. Aug. 15             Boott Mill Park, 115 John Street (followed by item 6.d)
  • Aug. 20             Cardinal Early Learning Center, 21 Carter Street
  • Aug. 22             Boott Mill Park, 115 John Street, followed by a pre-K and kindergarten parade
  1. High school students can take a “Public Service Career Exploration” course at Middlesex Community College to learn about public service careers in law enforcement, emergency response, victim services, etc., from July 8-11, 9am-12:45pm. There is a $175 fee.  MCC also offers various summer courses at its Bedford campus.  For info:  middlesex.mass.edu/collegeforkids.
  2. Free summer fun (Free Fun For Kids – Lowell Summer Music Series) at Boarding House Park, 40 French Street, for kids and their families on Wednesdays and Thursdays, with snacks, books and crafts at 10am and these performances at 11am [corrected dates]:
    1. July 10 Hot Tamale Brass Band
    2. July 12 Vanessa Trien and Jumping Monkeys
  • July 17 Curious Creatures
  1. July 18 Airborne Comedians
  2. Aug. 1 Spirit of Africa
  3. Aug. 7 Peter Panic
  • Aug. 8 Trend N Motion
  • Aug. 14             Ben Rudnick
  1. Aug. 15             Good News Gus
  1. The “One City Many Cultures” exhibit at Mogan Center, 40 French Street, is open from 11am-4:30pm until it returns to slightly reduced hours after Oct. 14. https://www.nps.gov/lowe/learn/cultural-exhibit-project.htm.
  2. The National Streetcar Museum shows the history of trolleys and other transportation cities. Open Saturdays and Sundays from 11am-4pm, 25 Shattuck Street, small fee. For info:  https://trolleymuseum.org/national-streetcar-museum-lowell.
  3. Free summer programs:
    1. The African Community Center of Lowell (ACCL) is offering a tour of UML’s engineering department for middle and high school students, June 13, 4-6pm. For info, email:  info@acclowell.org.
    2. ACCL is also a summer program for middle and high school students Saturdays, starting June 22, 10am-noon. For info, email:  info@acclowell.org.
  1. New American Association of Massachusetts is offering driving lessons for first- or second-generation kids 15+ or out of school less than 2 years. Classes are once/week, for 2 hours, for 8 weeks from June 24-Aug. 23.  For info:  call Danny at 978-245-7792.
  2. Coalition for a Better Acre will hold its YES! Learning Center Summer Camp. Sessions are Monday-Friday, 10am-2:30pm.  Two 3-week sessions July 8-25 and Aug. 5-22.  Registration:  https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=9s1x0qXsQUG7_uqD8I8wv8LL9ncHNEFCgZ0gz8z3ouBURTExT05PMFg0T0pQTUk2VFdZUDZLMEFaNS4u.  If you have questions, email justin.ford@cbacre.org.
  3. The Lowell Police Department is offering kids 10-16 years old a week-long program at Strongwater equestrian farm, morning or afternoon, the weeks of July 8, 15 or 22. For info and registration:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScBlS4tnYFxB6cgAbZln60dYheeC0TzGexqqzYiRfAgyMyCgg/viewform?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2-dxzM60DWuc5KPSwDcH-AGhKmkwZ99Vp0xv13t9F58xNSSgG-KmBWw_U_aem_Ab18zfKR3kKtdBX6JtbzK5O7qkVuizK7rUBsD0lsBqFL5j0mBr49vvB5GmRXB4QE_6GzoC1KopqdwTyxPC-1A89N.
  1. Fee-based summer programs:
    1. Project LEARN will hold Immersive STEM Summer Camp for kids in grades 5-12, Monday-Friday, 8am-2:30pm on UML campus, for the weeks of June 24, July 8 and July 15. Kids in grades 9-12 can participate in Harvard MEDscience course during the weeks of July 8 and July 15, with medical-related classes and trips to Harvard Medical School.  For info:  https://projectlearninc.org/news-events/idea-camp-2024-registration
    2. Boys and Girls Club of Greater Lowell will have a summer program from July 1-Aug. 16 for kids aged 8-18. Parents must attend an orientation, which will be held Thursdays, starting June 1, 6:30pm at the Club, 657 Middlesex Street.  For info, https://lbgc.org/join/summer-program/.
  1. The Middlesex County Sheriff’s Office will host its annual Youth Public Safety Academy at its Training Academy in Chelmsford. The course is one week long, and kids aged 8-12 can sign up for any week between July 5 and Aug. 9.  Kids in Lowell who need bus transportation should sign up for the week of Aug. 5-9.  Info and registration (fee):  https://www.middlesexsheriff.org/home/news/mso-announces-registration-2024-youth-public-safety-academy-open.
  2. YWCA is holding summer STEAM camp for kids aged 7-13 on Mondays-Thursdays from 10am-3pm, at 41 Rock Street, with transportation, snack and lunch provided. For info:  email cnapolitano@ywcaoflowell.org.  Different themes each week:
    • July 8-18 dance/yoga
    • July 22-Aug. 1 robotics
    • 5-15 art
  3. YWCA is also holding evening sessions on these topics for kids aged 9-14, on Mondays and Wednesdays from July 8-Aug. 14, from 6-8pm at 41 Rock Street. For info:  email cnapolitano@ywcaoflowell.org.
  • MRT is offering its Summer Stage for Youth program in partnership with MCC from July 22-Aug. 11 for ages 8-17. For info and registration (fee):  MRT Summer Stage for Youth | Merrimack Repertory Theatre.  The young artists will perform at MCC’s Donahue Arts Center, 240 Central Street, on Aug. 9, 7pm; Aug. 10-11, 2pm and 5pm.
  • Altitude Hockey School, taught by UML’s hockey coaches, will be held July 29-Aug. 1, Tsongas Center, 300 MLK Way. For info and registration (fee):  www.altitudehockeycamps.com.
  1. Terance Mann Complete Player basketball camp will be held Aug. 19-22, at The Mill Works in Westford. For info and registration (fee):  https://tmcpf.org/camp-registration/.
  1. Kindergarten registration: If your child will be 5 years old by September 1, register for kindergarten at Lowell Public Schools:  lowell.k12.ma.us/kindergartenregistration.
  2. If your child will be 4 years old by September 1, register for preschool at Lowell Public Schools: lowell.k12.ma.us/preschoolregistration.  Note that transportation is not provided, and full-day programs are available at the Bartlett, Cardinal, Greenhalge and Murkland schools.
  3. ParentChild+ is a twice-a-week home visiting program for families of kids aged 18 months to 4 years to promote language development and literacy. The Lowell Public Schools Early Childhood Department visitor brings a book or toy for your child and discusses the importance of reading and playing with your child.  To register:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfqykmxiSMiTLPQt0feiVM6NjX8qaoObVxJ8qD9nREwckhcMw/viewform.


  1. Lowell Treasures Democracy
    1. Help name the City’s new street sweeper vehicles. Enter your ideas by June 9:  https://bit.ly/lowellsweepers.
    2. Give your comments on the Greater Lowell Vision Zero Plan to make our streets safer. Written comments are welcome through June 12.  For the plan and info:  https://www.nmcog.org/opportunities-for-public-comment.
    3. Give your comments on NMCOG’s Unified Planning Work Program document, describing its transportation and planning support activities for this fiscal year. Written comments are welcome through June 12.  For the plan and info:  The plan is available at: https://www.nmcog.org/opportunities-for-public-comment.
    4. Share your thoughts about where you get your info about Lowell and what topics might be of interest to you in a Voices of Lowell podcast: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScpnj2kZ_zgHjZ6cK5NjeB0vfYzmLyCX0A14ExickQQ2HAJSg/viewform.
    5. Consider becoming a poll worker for the upcoming September 3 primary and/or the November 5 general election. We need good people who love our democracy to ensure that all registered voters can vote.  For info:  https://lowellma.gov/317/Election-Workers
    6. Share your perceptions about the Acre neighborhood in this survey by Mass Development: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdjy2ygcQgTkW2g0Z9-gVSxPnTlHBH0qpfY3IhpZrFmWGYhxQ/viewform.
    7. Keep up with City Council, School Committee and other city meetings by reading their agendas and minutes at https://www.lowellma.gov/AgendaCenter (the HTML and packet formats are best), and consider attending or watching meetings.
      1. Lowell TeleMedia Center (LTC) broadcasts City Council, School Committee and various other committee meetings on Channel 6, and also now live streams to YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/LTCLowellMA. Also see the YouTube page to catch up on meetings you missed.
    8. Attend your neighborhood group meeting to learn and get involved. Meetings are generally listed each month at https://www.lowellma.gov/371/Neighborhood-Services.  Upcoming:
      1. CNAG (Centralville Neighborhood Action Group), 1st Monday each month (excluding July), 6:30-8pm, Dom Polski Club,10 Coburn St
      2. Highlands, June 10, and 2nd Monday each month, 7-8pm, Lowell Catholic auditorium, 530 Stevens Street
  • Belvidere, June 12, and typically 2nd Wednesday, virtual
  1. Back Central, typically 3rd Thursday each month, 7pm, St. Anthony’s Hall, 920 Central Street
  2. Downtown, June 24, and typically 4th Monday each month, 7pm, LTC, 246 Market Street


  1. Fundraisers/ volunteer opportunities
    1. Consider volunteering at some of the events in this newsletter.
    2. Upcoming events:
      1. Join Hidden Battles in the Celebration of Military Service June 8, 10am-2pm, Shedd Park, 453 Rogers Street. There will be 5K fun run/walk (fee), followed by free food and music.  For info:  https://www.facebook.com/events/737044081747993.
      2. Gardner Documentary Group, which produces award-winning documentaries, is hosting a fundraiser for local film producers Sopheap Theam and Sophy Theam to attend the 2024 Cambodia International Film Festival, where their films “Lost Child: Sayon’s Journey” and “Dancing Through Death:  The Monkey, Magic & Madness of Cambodia,” respectively, will be shown.  The event is June 10, 5:30-8:30pm, Chelmsford Center for the Arts.  For tickets, email:  sopheap.theam@gmail.com.
  1. Greater Lowell Chamber of Commerce’s Distinguished Young Professional Awards, June 11, noon-2pm, Four Oaks Country Club, Dracut, will honor many well-known leaders. For info and tickets:  https://business.greaterlowellcc.org/events/details/7th-annual-distinguished-young-professional-awards-4914.
  2. Merrimack Repertory Theater will hold its 45th anniversary gala, June 14, 6pm, at Lowell Memorial Auditorium, 50 East Merrimack Street, which will include local celebrities performing a radio play. For info and tickets: https://mrt.org/support/45th-anniversary-gala.
  3. Help those in need by contributing to the diaper drive for the Wish Project, Cawley Stadium, June 15, 8-10am, 424 Douglas Road. Greatest need for sizes 5-7. For info:  https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=7747072048646714&set=a.686046544749335.
  • Women Build is the Habitat for Humanity of Greater Lowell’s project bringing women together to learn construction skills while helping create a new home for someone in Westford or Bedford helping raise funds. Teams can volunteer June 15-22 or Aug. 15-17.  For info:  www.lowellhabitat.org/womenbuild
  • The Greater Lowell Community Foundation is hosting a brunch to raise funds for its LGBTQ+ Fund, at Cobblestones, 91 Dutton Street, on June 15, from 10-11:45am For info and tickets: https://www.glcfoundation.org/event/2024-lgbtq-fund-brunch/.
  1. Vibha hosts its 6th annual kite flying fundraiser on June 16, noon-6pm, Sampas Pavilion. For info:  https://www.facebook.com/events/2693435254155271/?acontext=%7B%22event_action_history%22%3A[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22external_search_engine%22%7D%2C%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22surface%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22groups_highlight_units%22%7D]%2C%22ref_notif_type%22%3Anull%7D.
  2. Megan House Foundation will hold a golf outing, June 17, Four Oaks Country Club, Dracut. For info and registration:  https://themeganhouse.org/10th-annual-golf-tournament/.
  3. Lowell Parks and Conservation Trust’s annual Summer Solstice Soiree will be June 22, 5-8pm, in Lowell. For info and tickets:  https://lowelllandtrust.org/summer-solstice-soiree-2024/.
  1. Lowell House will hold its annual gala Sept. 26, 5-8pm, Lowell Memorial Auditorium, 50 East Merrimack Street. For info and tickets:  https://lowellhouseinc.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/lowellhouseinc/eventRegistration.jsp?event=2
  • UTEC will hold its 25th Anniversary Gala, Nov. 20, 5:30pm, Lowell Memorial Auditorium, 50 East Merrimack Street. For info and tickets:  http://www.utecinc.org/25thgala.
  • More details to come about these events (but you can start planning to attend!):
    • 18, 8am Lowell Humane Society Muddy Paws 5k and Block Party, Shedd Park
    • 4, 6-10pm Megan House Foundation trivia night, Long Meadow Golf Club, 165 Havilah Street
    • 17 Women Working Wonders Power of the Purse, Four Oaks Country Club, Dracut
    • 23 Greater Lowell Community Foundation Celebrate Giving
    • 24 Community Teamwork
    • 26 Project Kompass
    • 13, 6-9pm Lowell Youth Leadership Program, UTEC, 35 Warren Street
    • 16, 10am-noon Annual Spice Drive, 450 Merrimack Street (drop off fresh spices for community members in need to be able to better enjoy their meals
    • 16, 6pm Cambodian Mutual Assistance Association, Sompao Meas hall, 450 Chelmsford Street
    • 5, 5:30pm Boys and Girls Club of Greater Lowell, Lowell Memorial Auditorium
  1. The Greater Lowell Chamber of Commerce is hosting its annual “Won in 50” raffle fundraiser. Buy one of 50 raffle tickets for one of the several items to be won.  Details and tickets at:  https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/ticketing/59f2caa9-c10d-46f4-b9cb-6bf2db4e6b96.
  2. The Lowell Chamber Orchestra is hosting a fundraiser. Donate at various levels for special thank you gifts.  For info:  https://lowellchamberorchestra.org/fifth-season-appeal?ss_source=sscampaigns&ss_campaign_id=661f30592881ad0790933663&ss_email_id=6626d6f8d59aea161b11bd13&ss_campaign_name=Our+Spring+Fundraiser+is+here%21+And+much+more%21&ss_campaign_sent_date=2024-04-22T21%3A33%3A38Z.  See also item 13.c.
  3. Buy a brick inscribed in honor of a loved one at the Whistler Park & Victorian Garden to support Whistler House Museum of Art: https://www.whistlerhouse.org/index.php/en/donate/brick-campaign.
  4. Every quarter, the Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union’s We Share a Common Thread Foundation, donates $1,500 to a worthy charity. Vote for your favorite (Lowell-based) charity for this quarter through the end of June at https://www.jdcu.org/community-about/our-foundation/give-a-click/?ct=t%28April+2023+E-newsletter%29.  This quarter, the non-profits to select from are (listed in the order on the website):
    1. Friends of the Pollard Memorial Library
    2. Home Health & Hospice Care (apparently serves only NH)
  • Methuen Memorial Music Hall
  1. Each month, Mill Town Plumbing, Heating, etc. donates $1,000 to a worthy charity. Vote for your favorite charity at https://milltownplumbing.com/about-us/helping-hands/.  For June, the non-profits to select from are (listed in the order on the website):
    1. Central Food Ministry (based in Centralville)
    2. L’Arche Boston
  • Greater Lowell Children’s Fund.


  1. Film
    1. The Lowell Film Collaborative and the Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust present their winter/spring film festival. Shows are at 6:30pm, Lowell National Park Visitors Center, 246 Market Street.  For info:  https://lowelllandtrust.org/category/events/
      1. June 25 “Up on the Mountain”
    2. And check out movies at the wonderful Luna Theater, Mill No. 5, 250 Jackson Street: https://lunalowell.com/.
      1. Including “Hedwig and the Angry Inch” on June 30.
    3. See also items 4.h.iii, 4.h.vi, 8.b.ii, 13.e.7, 16.j.ii.


  1. Give your input:
    1. Lowell Public Schools is asking African diaspora families for insights into their children’s schooling, June 11, 6-8pm, 155 Merrimack Street. For info:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfHX-bj6YapC2HmpQoTp2yEoA-S-a08xuUBOjL4PFIoCWFCug/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&pli=1.
    2. Lowell Public Schools is also asking parents of students in grades 7-12 to fill out a survey to find out perceptions of teens’ use of alcohol, marijuana and vaping. For info:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LOWELL-PCN-PARENT-SURVEY.
    3. The city is working with artist Kit Collins to create Lowell’s first citywide public art project Let’s Dance, Lowell!,a network of eight dance diagramspainted directly onto the sidewalk in neighborhoods around the city.  Each mural will depict a different move choreographed by Lowell-based dancers!  Give your input on what type of dance represents your neighborhood, where the dance moves should be painted, etc.  Ultimately we’ll be able to dance around our city.  For info and to sign up to help:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdj9AW_Y4yu_V0BmN0e5dIWujNCeGtUrO5d3_SscModhSGYBA/viewform.
    4. Help the Lowell Regional Wastewater Utility prioritize sewer system improvements (and maybe win a Market Basket gift card) by filling out the survey about street flooding or other sewer issues at https://www.lowellma.gov/637/Wastewater-Utility.
    5. Help Lowell TeleMedia Center create a montage to celebrate Lowell’s bicentennial (Lowell was incorporated as a town in 1826). LTC Rewind is soliciting footage, photos and other media from the public to edit together highlights to air on cable and share on social media. The goal is to highlight what’s happening around Lowell, cross-post and tag to increase media visibility and compile a collection of footage to utilize in Lowell’s Bicentennial celebration.  For info, contact wklevisha@ltc.org.


  1. Lowellians help animals
    1. Lowell Humane Society offers low-cost rabies and distemper vaccines and microchips for dogs or cats ($20 per vaccine or chip) on the third Sunday of every even-numbered month (e.g., June 16), from 9am-noon at 951 Broadway Street. For info and appointment (required):  https://www.lowellhumanesociety.org/vaccine-microchip-clinic/.
    2. See also item 8.b.xvii.


  1. Non-library literary events:
    1. Lala books, 189 Market Street, hosts various events (https://www.lalabookstore.com/event), including:
      1. Events:
        • McAuliffe School 2nd graders’ book launch: June 11, 10am
        • Story time, celebrating National Pollinator Week: June 23, 11am
      2. Writing groups:
        • Non-fiction writing group: June 8 and 22, and 2nd and 4th Saturday each month, 10:30am-12:30pm
        • Lowell Writers Group: June 15, and 3rd Saturday each month, 10:30am-12:30pm; all writers are welcome to share and discuss works
        • Mill Pages Writing Group: June 16, and 3rd Sunday each month, noon-2pm; get involved with “Mill Pages” magazine or just share thoughts.
        • Lowell Writer’s open mic: July 11 (2nd Thursday ‘cos of holiday), and 1st Thursday each month, 6:30-8pm
  • Book clubs:
    • Queer book club: June 19 (“Last Night at the Telegraph Club” by Malinda Lo), July 17 (“Here We Go Again” by Alison Cochrun), Aug. 21 (“Bloom” by Kevin Panetta and Savanna Ganucheau), and 3rd Wednesday each month, 5pm
    • Boozy book club (small fee): July 2 (“Silver Alert” by the great author Lee Smith), Aug. 6 (“I Have Some Questions for You” by Rebecca Makkai), and 1st Tuesday every month, 6pm, at Warp & Weft, 197 Market Street
    • Book the Bar book club (small fee; must be 21+): July 3 (“The Spare Man” by Mary Robinett Kowal), Aug. 7 (“I Feel Awful, Thanks” by Lara Pickle), and 1st Wednesday every month, 6pm at Fuse Bistro, 45 Palmer Street
  1. Lowell Book Company, Mill No. 5, 250 Jackson Street, will discuss “The Hive and the Honey” by Paul Yoon at its short story book club, June 16, 10am. For info:  https://www.lowellbookcompany.com/events.


  1. A city of music and comedy
    1. The Lowell Busker Series runs on Fridays from 6-8pm and Saturdays from 4-6pm, through June 29, at Derby Park, 66 Middle Street, and Mack Plaza, Shattuck Street at Market Street. For info and list of performers: https://www.likelowell.com/buskerseries.
    2. Zorba’s Music Hall at Olympia Restaurant, 437 Market Street, hosts various bands, including tribute bands (https://zorbamusichall.com/events/) (fee, 21+). Some upcoming shows:
      1. Heartless             June 7, 9-11:30pm
      2. Summer Jam 4             June 8, 3-11pm
  • Panorama: The Cars Tribute        June 15, 9-11:30pm
  1. Lowell Chamber Orchestra (https://lowellchamberorchestra.org/events) holds free concerts at MCC’s Donahue Arts Center, 240 Central Street, 7:30-8:30pm; some are also livestreamed but it’s SO amazing to be there in person if you can be:
    1. “Pride: A Rainbow of Repertoire”                       June 15
    2. See also item 8.d.
  2. The Lowell Philharmonic Orchestra is holding a T-shirt design competition. Submit your design by June 21.  For info:  https://www.lowellphilharmonic.org/2024-2025-t-shirt-contest.
  3. The Lowell Summer Music Series is back at Boarding House Park, 40 French Street. For info and tickets:  https://lowellsummermusic.org/.  Shows start at 7:30pm (except as shown).  Note that, due to the Lowell High School renovation, the rain location for this summer is UML’s Durgin Hall, 35 Wilder Street.  Tickets are on sale:
    1. Ben Folds             June 21
    2. Face 2 Face, tribute to Elton John & Billy Joel             June 22
  • Pink Talking Fish             June 28
  1. Buffalo Tom             June 29
  2. Classic Albums Live performing David Bowie albums July 11
  3. Marc Cohn             Aug. 3
  • New England Film Orchestra (movie music) Aug. 4
  • Martin Sexton & Ryan Montbleu Aug. 10
  1. Neighbor             Aug. 16
  2. Chadwick Stokes and the Pintos             Aug. 17
  3. Angkor Dance Troupe             Aug. 25, 6pm; free
  • Sarah Jarosz             Aug. 30
  • 43rd annual Banjo and Fiddle Contest             Sept. 7, 10am-6pm; free
  • Victor Wooten and the Wooten Brothers             Sept. 8
  1. Let’s Sing Taylor (for you Swifties)             Sept. 14
  • Belly             Sept. 15
  1. Lowell Philharmonic Orchestra (https://www.lowellphilharmonic.org/) will hold its annual free summer concert on July 7 at 2pm at Shedd Park, Rogers at Boylston Street. The theme is “Born for Broadway!”  Bring your own chair/blanket.  Free (although donations accepted).
  2. The new Greater Lowell Symphonic Orchestra (https://www.glsymphonic.org/inaugural-season) will hold several free concerts at North Common, 413 Fletcher Street (rain location for the 2nd and 3rd concerts: Murkland School):
    1. June 8, 11am-2pm (see item 1.b)
    2. June 29, noon-12:30pm
  • Aug. 6, 5-7 part of National Night Out
  1. The Blue Shamrock, 105 Market Street, is holding The House of Horrors event with vendors, fashion, bands and other performers, June 9, noon-8pm.
  2. Coffee and Cotton, 4th Floor, Mill No. 5, 250 Jackson Street, hosts various entertainment evenings (https://millno5.com/events/):d
    1. Poetry open mic with Lowell Poetry: 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month, 6-9pm
    2. Open mic (poetry, music, storytelling): 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month, 6-9pm
  • Comedy open mic:                         1st Thursday each month, 6:30pm
  1. Trivia:                         2nd and 4th Thursday each month, 6-9pm
  2. Spins and needles DJ:                         3rd Thursday each month, 6-9pm
  3. Open mic:                         1st and 3rd Friday each month, 6:30pm
  1. The Keep, 110 Gorham Street, hosts karaoke every Sunday, 10pm-1am. For info:  https://thekeeplowell.com/news-such/.
  2. Mill No. 5 has added a free monthly live Jazz Jam on the 1st Friday of every month, 6-9pm, on the 4th floor: https://www.facebook.com/events/954227056334584/954366036320686/.
  3. Boots at the Mill, an open stage drag show (fee), 1st Saturday each month, 6-10pm, Mill No. 5, The Overlook, 5th floor, 250 Jackson Street.
  4. Hear bands many Saturday evenings at the Overlook, Mill No. 5, 250 Jackson Street; for info and tickets: https://millno5.com/the-overlook-2/.
  5. The Old Court, 29 Central Street, hosts open mic (comedy, etc.), 1st Wednesday each month, 8:30pm. For info:  https://mosaiclowell.org/event/court-jesters-open-mic/2024-02-07/.
  6. Panela Restaurant hosts open mic (music, poetry, comedy, etc.) on Fridays, and live Latin music on Saturdays. For info:  https://panelarestaurant.com/bar/.  See also item 20.a.
  7. Taffeta, at Western Avenue Studios, 122 Western Avenue, hosts several music events each month.  For info and tickets:  Event Schedule (taffetamusic.com).
  8. Thirsty First Tavern, 103 Market Street (https://www.facebook.com/ThirstyFirstLowell) hosts:
    1. Spins and Needles (playing vinyl records) 3rd Wednesday each month, 7-10pm
    2. Various bands, plus record release by Knock Over City June 15, 9pm (free)
  • Various bands on other dates
  1. Warp & Weft, 197 Market Street, hosts music several nights a week, as well as open mic on Thursday evenings.  To see the acts:  https://www.facebook.com/warplowell/.
  2. The Worthen House Café, 141 Worthen Street, hosts bands on various Fridays and Saturdays, 8pm. For info and tickets: https://www.worthenhousecafe.com/events.


  1. Shopping for food, crafts, gifts,…
    1. Visit the pop-up store Mayfly Co-Lab at 51 Market Street through June 22 for upcycled and second-hand products that are sourced in and around Lowell. For info:  https://www.mayflybus.com/mayfly-colab.
    2. The Farm Market, at Mill No. 5, 250 Jackson Street, every Sunday from 10am-1pm, year-round (https://millno5.com/the-farm-market/), is outside on the sidewalk for the summer.
      1. After you buy your eggs, bread, hot sauce, jams, etc., visit the shops on the 4th and 5th floors.
      2. Several changes:
        • A Damn Shame Records will open soon in the former Vinyl Destination spot on the 4th floor
        • Pizzelle Bakery and Roots and Spoons have closed at Mill No. 5, but will open on June 27 in their new space at 201 Market Street, downtown.
  • Pick up savory or sweet empanadas from Lowell food truck Empanada Dada.
  1. Shop the upcoming A Little Bazaar pop-up marketplaces on Saturdays on the 4th floor from noon-4pm with these themes:
    • Vintage Market 24
  2. Get wonderful fresh veggies at the farmers markets:
    1. Tuesdays, 10am-2pm, through Oct. 29 Lowell Community Health Center, 161 Jackson Street, hosted by Mill City Grows
    2. Wednesdays, 2-6pm, through Oct. 30 The Sweet Bar, 500 Pawtucket Street, hosted by Mill City Grows
  • Thursdays, 10am-2pm, through Oct. 31 Lowell Senior Center, 276 Broadway Street, hosted by Mill City Grows
  1. Fridays, 2-6pm, through Oct. 11 Hamilton Canal garage area, 350A Dutton Street, hosted by Community Teamwork and includes Mill City Grows (volunteers are welcome to come help with set up, take down, distributing lunches to the community, and supervising kids’ games; email emagovern@commteam.org)


  1. Lowell Stays Healthy and Clean
    1. Join Lowell Litter Krewe at one of its cleanups on Saturdays, 8am-11am (during the summer) (https://www.lowelllitterkrewe.org/calendar-gallery). Upcoming cleanups:
      1. June 8 VFW Highway, meet at Dog Park, 61 1st Street
      2. June 15 Cawley Stadium, meet at parking lot, 424 Douglas Road (see also item 8.b.vi)
  • June 22 Lawrence Street, meet at Father Kirwin Park , 875 Lawrence Street
  1. June 29 Westford and Wood Streets, meet at CVS, 25 Wood Street
  1. Get outdoors with the Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust (https://lowelllandtrust.org/category/events/); free, but registration required:
    1. Learn science, June 8, 10am-noon, Hawk Valley Farm, 526 Varnum Street
    2. Urban birding, June 9, 7-9am, Concord River Greenway at 15 Davidson Street
  • Learn about wildflowers while walking on the Concord River Greenway, July 13, 10-11:30am
  1. See also items 5.l, 8.b.xi, 9.a.
  1. Lowell House will perform screenings for gambling disorders on June 13, 11am-2pm at:
    1. Pollard Memorial Library, 401 Merrimack Street (see item 4.h.ii)
    2. Greater Lowell YMCA, 35 YMCA Drive (lunch available)
  2. UML is seeking breastfeeding mothers for a study on “Biomaterials for Improving Nutritional Quality of Human Milk.” Healthy, non-smoking, English-speaking women aged 18-40 who are nursing only one child may take part in the study.  They would provide 4 small samples of breast milk over 6 months.  For info:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1fOBBbNBGkIyAKIjRolmWJMBvU4QInkwxmBHvaO2VoFk/viewform?edit_requested=true.
  3. Learn how you can get your tap water tested for contaminants, as part of a UML project to develop new testing technology. Webinar on June 18, 7-7:30pm.  For info and registration:  https://merrimack.org/events/volunteers-needed-for-tap-water-testing-project-copy/.
  4. Learn healthy tips at Dragonfly Café, 145 Thorndike Street (for info and RSVP: https://www.dragonflycafe.org/events):
    1. Family-focused summer nutrition seminar June 26, 6pm
  5. Kayak, canoe or stand-up paddleboard at the UML Kayak Center, Bellegarde Boathouse, 500 Pawtucket Blvd, June 13 through Sept. 1 and then Saturdays through Sept. 28. What a great opportunity to enjoy the Merrimack!  For details:  https://www.uml.edu/campusrecreation/programs/kayak-center/.
  6. Learn to row this summer with Lowell Community Rowing. For info:  https://www.merrimackrowing.org/mrra-programs
  7. Want a tree planted in your yard/neighborhood? Input your address at https://www.maurbancanopy.org/ and, if you’re in a currently under-treed neighborhood, you can get a tree planted.  So far only 1/3 of the 2,400 tree goal in Lowell has been reached, so do your part to help increate the tree canopy to improve the climate and life in our neighborhoods.  Even if your street wasn’t eligible before, it might be now, as some zones were expanded.
  8. The Health Department has a syringe collection site at its office at 107 Merrimack Street during business hours. https://www.lowellma.gov/1205/Sharps-Disposal-Options.
  9. The City’s Recreation department offers swimming, tae kwon do, yoga, Zumba, ballroom dance, swing and other classes. Register for summer activities:  https://lowellma.myrec.com/info/activities/activities.aspx.


  1. Arts Showcases
    1. The exhibit “The Portuguese in Lowell: The Familiar and the New”, photography by Pedro Letria, is opening June 8 at 2:30pm at the Lowell National Historical Park’s Boott Cotton Mills Museum, 115 John Street, and will run through Feb. 24, 2025.
    2. Add your artistry to the Water Dragon sculpture created by Jay Hungate and being revived after 15 years in storage. Decorate a CD or DVD at ALL Gallery or Brush Gallery.  For info:  https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=905586494703936&set=a.10150516236472986.
    3. Curation 250, Mill No. 5, 250 Jackson Street, (https://www.facebook.com/p/Curation-250-100057574694072/), hosts:
      1. “Mass Love,” Massachusetts artists painting Massachusetts things.
      2. Rick Hall’s poetry performance “GrowthQuakes”, on the digital screen, through June 21 (for age 16+).
    4. Gallery Z Visual & Performing Arts Center, 167 Market Street, (https://galleryzvpac.com/) is hosting:
      1. Poetry café, June 13, 6:30-8:30pm
      2. Jazz poetry brunch, June 16, noon
  1. “A Song of Spring in Four Vignettes,” through July 6
  2. A night of indie rock, July 12, 6pm
  3. Artisans boutique “Art Lowell”, July 11-29, with artists reception, July 13, 7-9pm
  • Performance by Ben Burke, July 19, 8-10pm
  • A Day without Love musical performance, Aug. 1, 7pm
  1. “The World of Reylen,” fantasy art by Benjamin Donahue, Aug. 1-25, with a reception Aug. 3, 7-9pm
  2. “Abstract Collective,” Aug. 29-Sept. 22, with artist reception Sept. 14, 7-9pm
  3. “A Dream within a Dream,” inspired by Poe, Sept. 26-Nov. 2, with artist reception and fundraiser, Oct. 19, 7-9pm
  1. New England Quilt Museum, 18 Shattuck Street, (https://www.neqm.org/) (fee) is hosting:
    1. “Domestic Partners” (the human-animal bond), through June 15
    2. “Humachine Sculpture”, through July 13.
  • “Kaleidoscope Quilts: Works by Paula Nadelstern”, June 18-Sept. 14, with presentation by Paula Nadelstern, June 29, 11am.
  1. Yellow quilts from the permanent collection, through July 13.
  2. “StitchPunk”, through July 13
  3. “Yellow Quilts from the Permanent Collection” through July 13.
  1. Arts League of Lowell (ALL), 307 Market Street, https://www.artsleagueoflowell.org/, is hosting:
    1. “Co-op Showcase” through June 16, with a reception June 8, 3-5pm
    2. “Allegory and Fantasy” through July 7.
  • “Pigeons of Molodemak,” June 19-July 14, with a reception July 13, 3-5pm.
  1. “Sculpture 3D,” July 12-Sept. 7, with a reception Aug. 17.
  1. Brush Gallery, 256 Market Street, https://www.thebrush.org/, is hosting:
    1. Cambodian-Lowellian traditional ceramics artist Yary Livan’s work, through July 13, with a reception June 15, 2-4pm.
    2. “Art Quilts to Dye For,” July 20-Aug. 31, a juried quilt show, with a reception Aug. 10. All artists may submit their entries through June 15.  For info:  https://form.jotform.com/240394709480158.
  • See also item 16.b.
  1. Ayer Lofts, 172 Middle Street, (https://www.ayerlofts.com/) hosts:
    1. “Beauty Ghouls” by Robb Sandagata, June 1-30, with a reception on June 1, 3-5pm.
  2. Loading Dock Gallery, at Western Avenue Studios, 122 Western Avenue, (http://www.theloadingdockgallery.com/) is hosting:
    1. “Full Bloom 6”, through June 30.
  3. Visit the artists at Western Avenue Studios, 122 Western Avenue, for open studios July 6, and the first Saturday of each month, from noon-5pm. And the outdoor market is open during open studios in the summer. For info:  Western Avenue Studios – Artists • Studios • Lofts.  Enjoy Navigation Brewery, Nibbana Café and food trucks.  Also, some special treats:
    1. 2nd floor mini gallery: Inner Workings, through June 12
    2. Loft 112 (160 Western Avenue, Loft 112; loft112.com): $10 admission, 4:45pm on the following open studio dates:
      • July 6             1920 silent film “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari” with live music
      • 3             recorder recital
    3. The Lowell Senior Center 2nd floor gallery, 276 Broadway Street, is showing exhibits on their 2nd Contact seniorctrart@gmail.com or 978-674-4131 for info and to see the show if you’re not a member.
      1. “It Is What It Is” through July 18, with a reception June 8, 1-3pm
    4. Whistler House, 243 Worthen Street, hosts “Patrick McCay: A Thematic Retrospective — Explore, Exploit, Express”, through Aug. 3.  For info:  https://whistlerhouse.org/index.php/en/exhibits/parker-gallery.
      1. See also items 6.h.iii, 8.e.
    5. LTC hosts “Handmaid Art” (clever name!), videos with Lowell area artists, on its YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@LTCLowellMA.
    6. See art when you visit City Hall, 375 Merrimack Street (https://www.lowellma.gov/1880/Art-in-City-Hall):
      1. “Pride Perspectives”, throughout June, with a reception June 11, 5:30-6:15pm.
      2. Lowell Senior Center art show, July and August
    7. View the great works by American Stonecraft, 133A Congress Street, which makes charcuterie boards, coasters, bowls and other amazing products out of local fieldstone. For info:  https://www.americanstonecraft.com/lowell-gallery-studio/.
    8. See also items 3.j.


  1. Lowell Memorial Auditorium
    1. Many shows and entertainers are coming to Lowell Memorial Auditorium, 50 East Merrimack Street, https://lowellauditorium.com/ticketed-events, including:
      1. Happy Together Tour (famous ‘60s and ‘70s bands) June 23, 7pm
      2. Atif Aslam July 27, 8pm
  • Terance Mann Complete Player Foundation No Limits Fashion Show Aug. 15 (see items 6.h.iv, 8.b.xiv)
  1. One Night of Queen Aug. 30, 8pm
  2. Benefit concert for Aaron’s Presents with Brooke Simpson Sept. 13, 7pm
  3. Disney Jr. Live on Tour Oct. 20, noon and 4pm
  • Masters of Illusion Oct. 27, 5pm
  • Celtic Thunder: Odyssey                                      Nov. 9, 7:30pm
  1. Stomp Nov. 15, 7:30pm; Nov. 16, 2pm and 7:30pm


  1. Trivia Nights: Enjoy trivia (and buy food and drinks) at:
    1. TreMonte, 44 Palmer Street:             Mondays, 6:30pm
    2. The Old Court, 29-31 Central Street:             Tuesdays, 7:30pm (see also item 13.n)
    3. TreMonte, 44 Palmer Street: Wednesdays, 6:30pm (Family Feud Night)
    4. The Keep, 110 Gorham Street: Wednesdays, 7pm (see also item 13.j)
    5. Warp & Weft, 197 Market Street:             Wednesdays, 7pm (see also item 12.a.iii, 13.r)
    6. Coffee & Cotton, 250 Jackson Street: 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 6-9pm (see also item 14.i.iv)
    7. Dragonfly Café, 165 Thorndike Street: June 13, 7pm (Disney theme)
    8. See also item 4.h.viii


  1. Chess
    1. Lowell Chess Club, https://chessinlowell.com/, welcomes all abilities to play chess at:
      1. Tuesdays, 5:30pm, Pollard Memorial Library, 401 Merrimack Street (see also item 4.k)
      2. Sundays, 1pm, Mill No. 5, 250 Jackson Street, 4th floor


  1. Dance!
    1. Enjoy salsa dancing at Panela Restaurant every Thursday from 8:30pm-midnight. And, if you don’t know how to salsa, there are free lessons on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month from 7:30-8:30pm.  They also host open mic every Friday, and live Latin music on Saturdays.  For info:  https://panelarestaurant.com/bar/.
    2. Salsa in Lowell is back with Salsa on the Deck on various Sundays through Sept. 29, 262 Merrimack Street. Keep an eye on https://www.facebook.com/salsainLowell/ for more info.  Flat shoes are recommended.
      1. There will also be Salsa in the Park, North Common, 413 Fletcher Street, on July 6, 1-7pm (rain date July 7, noon-6pm). For info:  https://www.lowellma.gov/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_05292024-3114.
    3. Listen to a live Greek band and watch Greek and belly-dancing at Athenian Corner while you enjoy a meal and cocktails, every Saturday at 8pm. For info:  https://www.atheniancorner.com/events.html.
    4. See also items 1.o.vi, 1.q, 2.t.xvi, 6.h.h, 10.c, 13.e, 15.k.


  1. Youth sports
    1. There’ll be a youth football camp at Cawley Stadium, June 9, noon-4pm, led by the Massachusetts Pirates and Mill City Eagles.   For info:  https://insidelowell.com/inaugural-city-of-lowell-youth-football-camp/.
    2. The Lowell Youth Baseball and Softball League and the Roberto Clemente League will have a tournament at LeLacheur Park on June 10 and June 13 (rain date June 14). For info:  https://www.lowellma.gov/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Item/28045?fileID=56845 and https://www.lybsl.org/ and https://www.facebook.com/p/Roberto-Clemente-League-of-Lowell-100057082405172/.
    3. Registration for Lowell Pop Warner football (ages 5-13) or cheerleading (5-15) will be on June 13 and July 24, 6-8pm, Reilly School, 115 Douglas Road.   For info:  lpwcheerleading@yahoo.com.
    4. The Textile River Regatta will be on Oct. 6 and the Massachusetts Public Schools Rowing Association fall championship will be on Oct. 26.


  1. Professional sports in Lowell again!
    1. The Massachusetts Pirates of the Indoor Football League games are at Tsongas Center.
      1. Tickets: https://tsongascenter.evenue.net/list/MP.  All upcoming home games:
        • June 8, 1:05pm Green Bay Blizzard
        • June 15, 7:05pm San Antonio Gunslingers
        • July 1, 7:05pm             Quad City Steamwheelers
      2. WCAP 980 AM radio hosts a talk with the Pirates coach every Monday morning in the 8-8:30am window.
  • WCAP also broadcasts all the Pirates games, home and (I believe) away.
  1. The Pirates use South Common for practices from 9am-1pm Mondays through Fridays through Aug. 31. So you can watch the team practicing!


  1. Grants
    1. The Women Working Wonders Fund has opened its grant cycle, with grants up to $10,000 available to nonprofits that empower women and girls. Applications are due by noon on June 20.  For info:  https://www.womenworkingwondersfund.com/.
    2. The Greater Lowell Health Alliance has opened its requests for proposal for projects that align with GLHA’s 2023 Community Health Improvement Plan. Applications are due by 4pm on June 27.  For info:  Apply for a Grant – Greater Lowell Health Alliance.
    3. Eligible property owners can be rewarded up to $5,000 to help reduce the risk of sewer backups into their homes or businesses. Applications are due by Nov. 1.  For info: https://www.lowellma.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=821.
    4. The city’s Economic Development department shared information about the Amber Grant program, a national program that awards $25,000 to one woman entrepreneur each month. For info:  https://ambergrantsforwomen.com/get-an-amber-grant/.
    5. Mosaic Lowell has information about several grants opportunities for artists, writers, etc. at https://mosaiclowell.org/what-we-do/arts-and-culture-funding-opportunity/.


  1. Traffic News
    1. New speed limit of 25 mph now applies on most roads in the City, unless otherwise posted (https://www.lowellma.gov/1817/Citywide-25-MPH-Speed-Limit and https://insidelowell.com/slow-down-lowell-25-is-the-new-55/).


What an amazing city we live in!  Please enjoy and support all the great work going on in Lowell.  We are all Lovellians!

2 Responses to Lowell Events Newsletter: June 7, 2024

  1. Dennis McCarthy says:

    Finally a place where everything is posted
    This is wonderful and thanks for doing it.