Franco-American Week 2022
Thanks to Louise Peloquin for sharing the schedule for this year’s Franco-American Week
Lowell’s 2022 Franco-American Festival Week begins Sunday, June 19. Here is the schedule of events.
Sunday, June 19: 12:00 pm Mass in French honoring St. Jean Baptiste and dedicated to recently deceased Biloxi Bishop Roger Morin of Dracut, MA. (French/English worship aid provided.) At Immaculate Conception Church, 144 E. Merrimack St., Lowell, MA. Light refreshments and naming of the Greater Lowell Franco-American of the Year will follow in downstairs church hall. (Stair-free access on Fayette St. for upper-church handicap drop-off. Downstairs lift accessible from the church parking lot, using door closest to E. Merrimack St.)
Monday, June 20: 6:30-8:30 pm, Family Bingo in French and English, St. Michael’s School Hall, 21 Sixth St., Lowell, MA. Bingo cards $2 each or three for $5. Water, soda, and popcorn provided.
Tuesday, June 21: 5:00-8:00 pm, French Quadrilles and Contra Dances at the Lowell Senior Center, 276 Broadway St., Lowell, MA. Free admission! Live music! No partner needed! Dancing like our forebears brought from Canada! Brief teaching session provided by caller Tony Parkes from 5:00-5:30. Refreshments provided.
Thursday, June 23: 10:00 am, Flag Raising at Lowell City Hall, followed by coffee and donuts. (Outdoors if weather is favorable; in City Hall if rainy.) 6:30 pm Vesper Prayer Service honoring St. Jean Baptiste and followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, 543 Bridge St., Lowell, MA. Wine and cheese to follow in St. Michael’s School Hall, 21 Sixth St., Lowell, MA.
Friday, June 24: 6:00-10:00 pm Gala 50th Anniversary Dinner, with cheese and crackers, appetizers, salad, dessert, and traditional French-Canadian music to set the tone of “Je me souviens!” Social hour at 6:00; dinner at 7:00; cash bar for beverages. $50 per attendee; tables of ten can be reserved. Tickets must be pre-purchased.
Will there be a bean supper this year?
Just seeing this. Would have loved to be there