Canal Street Parking Garage
Work began on the new parking garage on Canal Street which is right next to the Lowell Justice Center. Below are some pictures.

The exacvator was scraping several feet of dirt from the site. To the right is Middlesex Street. To the left is Jackson Street. Mill No. 5 is in the center rear.

The dirt that was removed from the parking garage lot was stockpiled on the large surface lot next to 110 Canal Street. Both lots are owned by LLCs controlled by the Lupoli Companies.

This is the architect’s rendering of the garage presented to the Lowell Historic Board. The road in the foreground represents Jackson Street. In this view, the Justice Center would be to the right.

This is a Google Maps screen shot. The L-shaped building in the center is the Lowell Justice Center. This new garage will be on the small lot to the right of the courthouse.