The Lowell Review 2022

The Lowell Review 2022
The 2022 edition of The Lowell Review is available for purchase on the print-on-demand publishing website. With contributions from across the United States plus Ireland, Morocco, Hungary, and the U.K., The Lowell Review 2022 contains writing and poetry about the pandemic, politics and other contemporary topics but also has other pieces that explore universal elements of the human experience. Some stories are deeply local like our long riff on the city’s storm boards. Others delve into the stories of remarkable people. This being the 100th anniversary of the birth of Jack Kerouac, we included a special section in recognition of the author, who seems to have an unlimited capacity to make news. Taken as a whole, the journal is a smorgasbord of great writing and poetry.

The Lowell Review 2021
The second issue of a new publication is an important step because it signals readers and writers that the journal, in this case, is on its steady way. People are still talking about the inaugural issue with the orange cover and Chath pierSath’s wild line drawing of two heads. We expect the new issue to generate as much enthusiasm, starting with the cover image of rowers in the Merrimack River by Richard Marion, who picked up a beat-up cabinet door on the riverbank in 1978, painted it yellow, and added the figures and boats. Artistic recycling.
The full text of The Lowell Review 2022 is available for onscreen reading here on this site for free but we urge you to purchase a copy of the print edition to get the full impact of the splendid cover art and the marvelous design of the journal.
While you’re at, consider purchasing a copy of The Lowell Review 2021. That edition contains essays, short stories and poems from 50 contributors and includes sections dedicated to the pandemic and to the protests for racial justice that took place last summer.
The print-on-demand technology we’re using for The Lowell Review is new and remarkably affordable. The author/editor/publisher team creates a single document of the book’s content from start to finish and another file for the cover. Both are uploaded to the site where they are combined into a top-quality book. Only the book doesn’t exist in tangible form until someone orders a copy and then the print machines work their magic and a physical book emerges and is shipped to the customer. The author incurs no upfront costs from the printer and no longer needs to convert the garage or spare room into a miniature book storage warehouse.
But while The Lowell Review embraces modern technology, it also reaches back into our region’s history for inspiration and guidance. The journal’s mission statement, printed at the start of each edition, explains:
The Lowell Review brings together writers and readers in the Merrimack River watershed of eastern New England with people everywhere who share their curiosity about and passion for the small and large matters of life. Each issue includes essays, poems, stories, criticism, opinion, and visual art.
In the spirit of The Dial magazine of Massachusetts, edited by Margaret Fuller and Ralph Waldo Emerson in the 1840s, The Lowell Review offers a space for creative and intellectual expression. The Dial sought to provide evidence of “what state of life and growth is now arrived and arriving.”
This publication springs from the blog, known for its “Voices from Lowell and beyond.” In America, the name Lowell stands out, associated with industrial innovation, working people, cultural pluralism, and some of the country’s literary greats.
Here’s a list of the contributors to the 2022 edition:
Sarah Alcott Anderson, Caution
Kathleen Aponick, Omen
Susan April, Another Turn
Alfred Bouchard, Patched Together in the Manner of Dreams
Paul Brouillette, A Pilgrimage to Selma and Montgomery
Patricia Cantwell, Kintsugi (A Radio Drama)
Sean Casey, Tom Brady
Ann Fox Chandonnet, A Postcard from Sandburg’s Cellar
Charles Coe, Twenty-Two Staples
Billy Collins, Lowell, Mass.
Pierre V. Comtois, Interview
David Daniel, Remembering a Friendship: Robert W. Whitaker, III (Nov 9, 1950 – Sept. 16, 2019)
Dave DeInnocentis, Marin County Satori
Joseph Donahue, Two Poems
Catherine Drea, Beginning Again
Janet Egan, Saturday Morning, Reading “Howl”
Sheila Eppolito, Hearing Things Differently
Kevin Gallagher, Dookinella Church of Our Lady of the Assumption
Charles Gargiulo, Marvelous Marvin Hagler and the Godfather
Bob Hodge, Our Visit with Bernd
Richard P. Howe, Jr., Protecting the Capitol: 1861 & 2021
Moira Linehan, Something Has Been Lost
Carl Little, A Hiker I Know
El Habib Louai, Growing up on a Hog Farm on the Outskirts of Casablanca
Greg Marion, Storm Boards photograph
Paul Marion, Interview: Commemorating Kerouac (1998)
Richard Marion, cover art
Elise Martin, An Abundance of Flags
Mike McCormick, Stumbling Upon The Town and the City
Neil Miller, How a Kid from the East Coast Became a Diamondbacks Fan
Helena Minton, Daily Walk in the Quarter
Amina Mohammed, Change
Carlo Morrissey, The Boulevard, July 1962
Dan Murphy, Two Poems
Joylyn Ndungu, Equilibrium
Dairena Ní Chinnéide, Filleadh on Aonach / Coming Home from the Fair
Bill O’Connell, Emily on the Moon
Christine O’Connor, Dreaming of a Canadian Jam Knot: Thoughts on Work, Thoreau and Living Deliberately
Stephen O’Connor, A Man You Don’t Meet Everyday
Mark Pawlak, New Normal
Chath pierSath, The Rose of Battambang
Emilie-Noelle Provost, The Standing Approach
Joan Ratcliffe, The Incessant
Tom Sexton, At the Fruitlands Museum, Harvard, Massachusetts
Malcolm Sharps, The Mask of Sorrow, A Tragic Face Revealed
Meg Smith, Ducks in Heaven
Michael Steffen, Arturo Gets Up
John Struloeff, The Work of a Genius
John Suiter, Interview of Paul Marion
David R. Surette, Favors: A Novel (an excerpt)
Bunkong Tuon, Always There Was Rice
Peuo Tuy, Saffron Robe
Simon Warner, Still Rockin’ in the Beat World: How Kerouac Cool Continues to Fuel Popular Music Passions as Writer’s Centenary Is Reached
Grace Wells, Curlew
Fred Woods, The Basketball is Round
Submission Guidelines
Do you have a story, essay or poem that might fit in the next edition of The Lowell Review? To submit work for consideration for future issues, please contact
What a great way to greet the day of Jack Kerouac’s 100th Birthday. Dick Howe, Jr. and Paul Marion hit another home run. I am so happy that my Uncle Arthur’s legacy is forever bounded within the pages of this stunning magazine alongside the works of so many writers I so deeply respect.