Lowell Walks: Preservation Stories
Thanks to Fred Faust who organized and led the inaugural Lowell Walks of 2016, “Preservation Success Stories.” Kindly lending their assistance to Fred were two key players in the early days of Lowell National Historical Park, Sarah Peskin and Nancy Woods. Thanks also to Winn Development and Larry Curtis who invited us into the Winn corporate offices in Boott Mills and shared some insight into economic development in an urban setting like Lowell. Thanks finally to the 100 people who joined today’s tour.
Next week’s tour is “Hamilton Canal District Update” which will be led by Craig Thomas of the city’s Division of Planning and Development. That tour begins at 10 am on Saturday, June 18 at the NPS visitor center at 246 Market Street.
Here are some photos from today’s tour:

Shattuck Street: Gaslight Building, Mack Plaza, and Lowell Institution for Savings

Kirk Street: Mill Agent’s House, Kirk Street School.

Boarding House Park

Boott Mills

Lowell Walks photo exhibit at Mogan Cultural Center (ongoing)

Steve Stowell, James Ostis, and Moxie – all invented in Lowell