Governor Baker visits Hamilton Canal District

from left, LG Polito, Mayor Elliott, Rep Golden, Sen Donoghue, Rep Nangle, Gov Baker, and Rep Mom.
Governor Charlie Baker and Lt Governor Karyn Polito were in Lowell yesterday. At 3pm they visited the Hamilton Canal District for a press conference at which they announced two big grants of state money to city projects. The first was a $4.7 million “Mass Works” grant that will be used for the continued construction of infrastructure like roads and sidewalks inside the Hamilton Canal District; the second was the release of $12 million dollars for utility relocation and additional planning for the Lowell Judicial Center. The governor said that construction of that building should commence within the next twelve months.
Present at the press conference were City Manager Kevin Murphy, all nine city councilors, State Senator Eileen Donoghue, State Representatives Tom Golden, Dave Nangle, and Rady Mom, and many others.

Proposed Lowell Judicial Center with Lord Overpass in right background

Proposed site of 5 to 7 story Watermark building

Proposed site of 144,000 square foot Genesis HealthCare facility