Busy day in Lowell tomorrow

from 2013 African Festival on Sampas Pavilion
Tomorrow (Saturday, June 21, 2014) looks to be one of those great Lowell days when the biggest challenge you face is how to get to all the events going on in the city. Two big festivals highlight the day. The Lowell African Festival takes place from 11am until 7pm at the Sampas Pavilion along the banks of the Merrimack River. About the same time just a mile south of the river, the 3rd Annual Acre Festival runs from 11am until 4pm on the North Common. Then at 4:45pm on Middle Street, the opening ceremonies of the Lowell stop on the 2014 Great Race will kick off. Over the next 90 minutes, antique cars of all makes, models and sizes will parade down Middle Street and park to allow visitors to see up close still-functioning automobiles of an earlier era. For those of you politically inclined, the Greater Lowell Area Democrats will meet at 8am at the Radisson in Chelmsford. This will be the first GLAD gathering since last week’s Democratic State Convention so there will be much to discuss.

2013 African Festival in Lowell