Greater Lowell Area Democrats (GLAD) To Meet Tomorrow ~ Saturday May 10, 2014

Reminder ~ the next GLAD Meeting is tomorrow ~  SATURDAY!

The next regular breakfast meeting of Greater Lowell Area  Democrats (GLAD ) will be tomorrow  Saturday May 10, 2014 at 8:00 AM SHARP! in our usual location in the Independence Grill at the Radisson Hotel Rte. 110 in Chelmsford. Note: This is earlier in the month than usual.

Two 2014 candidates are scheduled to attend, speak and take questions. –  Joe Avellone , candidate for Governor and Deb Goldberg,  candidate for State Treasurer. Since the convention is drawing near and many members are also delegates and DSC members, other candidates may decide to join us as well.

AGENDA: The regular agenda will include: the report of the Chair; Election of Officers; update from the OCPF training in Chelmsford; Mass Dems convention updates/ including the balloting process; GLAD member/alternate updates;  Ad Hoc event committee update; and other issues on the minds of  GLAD members, associates and guests.

Note:  At the conclusion of the regular agenda, DSC member Christopher Jenkins will conduct a convention training for delegates. This will be especially helpful for first-time delegates and also enlightening for veterans! Of special interest is the new twist to the balloting process. There are some special tips for “convention” comfort and survival as well! Please plan to join us and stay for the training!

Next Meeting ~ June 21, 2014.
Please join us at this meeting of area Democrats.
For more information: