Brandon Lloyd visits Lowell High School
New England Patriots wide receiver Brandon Lloyd visited Lowell High School to speak with students about the importance of financial planning. His visit was sponsored by National Financial Educators Council, Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union and Yahoo, which sent a camera crew to film his visit (it should be on the web in a couple of weeks). By all accounts, Lloyd was a wonderful guest, totally focused on the students, especially those who gave him a tour of the school. Jen Myers has an account of the visit plus an excellent slide show on her Room 50 blog (below I’ve linked to one of her photos):

Brandon Lloyd at Lowell High. Photo by Jen Myers
Lloyd’s visit created a buzz on the local Twitter universe. Here’s a sampling of the Tweets that were made during his visit:
@mrblloyd welcome to Lowell!
Lowell High students excited about visit of Pats wide receiver Brandon Lloyd.
Brandon Lloyd from the patriots is chilling at Lowell High
Uhh why is Brandon Lloyd at Lowell High? This would happen after I graduate.
Buzz for Lowell High School: – RT @thatboyTBron Brandon Llyod is at Lowell High School for the day
Brandon Llyod is at Lowell High School for the day and everyones trying to get his autograph
Chillin with Pats WR Brandon Lloyd at Lowell High
Just shook Brandon Lloyd’s hand. Only time LHS has done something for me
Jealous of everyone at LHS meeting Brandon Lloyd!
Before Brandon Lloyd was about to speak ☺
Me and Brandon Lloyd Me and Brandon Lloyd