Hot Chocolate Competition
Downtown Lowell was alive this afternoon as hundreds of people traveled to the five establishments that were participating the this year’s Hot Chocolate Competition. At each place, you exchanged a quarter for a 4-ounce Dixie cup filled with hot chocolate. One was served plain, another gave you a choice of add-ins ranging from M&Ms to Tootsie Rolls, a third poured on fresh whipped cream topped with cinnamon, another was flavored with Taro and the fifth added a homemade marshmallow,a cookie chunk, and a squirt of caramel. Each establishment had a ballot box and a supply of ballots. You circled your choice on the ballot and added your zip code. As of this writing, I don’t know who won. Here are the store fronts of the participants:

Brew’d Awakening, 67 Market St.

The Coffee Mill, 23 Palmer St.

Cravings, 65 Merrimack St.

Pure Fro-Yo, 108 Merrimack St.

Time Out Cafe
When I was a child we had cocoa now you people call it Hot Chocolate.