For Sale: State Owned High Rise
Below is the “For Sale posting” for the state’s old high rise in Cambridge,MA built by Middlesex County back in the 1960’s. In its active days the building was used for administrative offices, meetings (County Commissioners) and as a jail.

40 Thorndike Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts
the former Middlesex County
Edward J. Sullivan Courthouse
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, acting by and through its Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (“DCAM”) is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) for the purchase and redevelopment of state-owned land, building, and any other improvements located at 40 Thorndike Street in the City of Cambridge, Massachusetts (the “Property”). The Property, the former site of the Middlesex County Edward J. Sullivan Courthouse, consists of a 22-story high rise building with a mezzanine and three (3) basement levels on approximately 1.37 acres of land. The gross square footage of the building is approximately 595,000 square feet. The Property offers an exciting and rare opportunity for private investment in East Cambridge. The Property which is bounded by Thorndike Street to the north, Second Street to the east, Spring Street to the south, and Third Street to the west is a short walk to Kendall Square, a premier Bio-Technology / Life Science research community, and the Cambridge Galleria Mall.
RFP Submission Deadline is February 6, 2012