Warren Christopher, 1925-2011

I was sad to see the obituary of Warren Christopher the other day. Christopher served our country in many capacities over the decades, from being a Naval officer in World War Two to Secretary of State in the Clinton Administration. Always exuding decency and dignity, Christopher was an admirable public servant. Still, I can’t help but associate him with some of the most troublesome national events in my adulthood. It was Christopher who, as Deputy Secretary of State in the Carter Administration, negotiated the release of the American hostages who had been captured at the Embassy in Iran. Christopher led Bill Clinton’s vice president selection process which yielded Al Gore (which was good) but also helped select Joe Lieberman as Gore’s VP (not so good). Worst of all, Christopher was Gore’s top representative in Florida in November 2000 in the disastrous election recount that handed us eight years of George W. Bush. That episode was depicted in an HBO movie called “Recount.” I’d never seen the movie, but after watching the trailer below, I’ve added it to my Netflix queue.
