Saturday’s Tour of the Acre

Paul Sweeney sent along some photos of St Patrick’s historian Dave McKean (above and below) leading his annual tour of the Acre this past Saturday as part of the city’s Irish Cultural Week activities. Besides Paul’s photos, Corey Sciuto wrote a blog post about St Patrick’s Church that included some photos taken by Mary Ann McNamara during Saturday’s tour.

One Response to Saturday’s Tour of the Acre

  1. Marie says:

    Thanks to Paul for these photos and thanks for the link to the Mary Ann McNamara photos of Dave McKean’s tour. Part of my family history is rooted in the Acre and St. Patrick’s. My grandmother Agnes Emma Kirwin (1882-1962) the youngest of six (a school principal, a Lowell Mayor, a physician, a US Navy Commodore and a post office administrator) was born in the family home on Worthen Street (now the Greek-American Legion site), she attended St. Patrick’s Girls School and Notre Dame Academy on Adams Street. She married my grandfather Patrick J. Kirwin 99 years ago in St. Patrick’s Church. Thanks for reminding me of those deep St. Patrick/Acre connections.