“The Fisher King” Is A Poignant Reminder

Have you ever seen a movie with a message that changes the way you think? I’ve seen many, but this morning in light of the senseless shootings in Arizona the one that sticks out in my mind is The Fisher King with Jeff Bridges and Robin Williams.

The movie centers on Jack Lucas (Jeff Bridges), a superstar talk radio DJ in the Howard Stern mold. After advising an unhinged fan to wipe out a yuppie watering hole, Lucas is naturally shocked when the madman obliges (Roger Crow).

In the movie tough-talking, radio host Jack Lucas was flying high until some psycho listener couldn’t distinguish reality from the rhetoric of hate Lucas used to maintain strong ratings. After listening to Lucas one night the psycho walks in a bar and opens fire killing numerous innocent people.

It was probably twenty years ago when I saw The Fisher King, but it hit me big then. And today the meaning seems even more poignant.

If you get a chance, catch this movie.

One Response to “The Fisher King” Is A Poignant Reminder

  1. Jack Mitchell says:

    Great, great movie. Gilliam is very giving to the actors in this flick. It is easy to imagine Robin Williams unleashed, fulfilling the muse of the character. But each, Jeff Bridges, Mercedes Ruhl, Frank Oz, ect. are given quirky characters and allowed to accentuate their unique qualities.

    The movie has all the requisite ingredients, in spades. But when you watch, open yourself to the very real people created. Rarely will you find a film that celebrates, and forgives, the little things that are wrong with us.