Rasmussen Poll Questions

Usually we let the answering machine handle the “out of area” calls but tonight we picked up and ended up taking an automated poll from Rasmussen.  Here are the questions that were asked:

  • Is the country on the right track?
  • Is Obama doing a good job?
  • If the election were today would you vote Democrat or Republican for Congress?
  • What are the major issues: (1) National Security; (2) Domestic Policy; (3) Cultural Issues; (4) Fiscal Issues
  • How is Barrack Obama doing with the economy?  With national security?
  • Do politicians keep their promises?
  • If no, is it because of the circumstances or because they’re untrustworthy?
  • Are you more likely to vote for someone who advocates cutting federal spending or who advocates getting your district its fair share?
  • Who would you trust most, the Democrats or the Republicans, on (1) the economy; (2) national security; (3) Iraq; (4) Afghanistan; (5) immigration?
  • How closely are you following 2010 elections (scale of 1-9)?
  • Who would you trust more, the American people or political leaders?
  • Is the Federal government a special interest group?
  • Does government and big business work together to the detriment of the American people?
  • Are you more likely to vote Democrat or Republican?
  • Are you male or female?  What is your age?  What is your party registration?