Massachusetts Scores High in Top College Rankings

Five of the twelve top colleges in the most recent rankings by Forbes Magazine – including the highest ranking – are located in Massachusetts. These institutions are: Williams College (1), Amherst College (3), Massachusetts  Institute of Technology (5), Harvard University (8) and Wellesley College (12). Here are the top twelve:

Rank Name State Cost Total Student Population
1 Williams College MA 49,530 2,072
2 Princeton University NJ 49,830 7,330
3 Amherst College MA 50,230 1,697
4 United States Military Academy NY 0 4,553
5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology MA 50,100 10,299
6 Stanford University CA 51,760 17,833
7 Swarthmore College PA 50,381 1,490
8 Harvard University MA 50,250 26,496
9 Claremont McKenna College CA 50,990 1,212
10 Yale University CT 51,400 10,192
11 United States Air Force Academy CO 0 4,537
12 Wellesley College MA 50,026 2,498

Check out the methods used for ranking the colleges here and look at the full list of “America’s Best Colleges” here at