Flashback Friday: The 1988 Lowell City Council
“Flashback Friday” is a new feature I’m going to try. Each Friday, I hope to post a picture, video or article from Lowell’s political past. There won’t be any chronological connection between the item posted and the date of posting – it will be completely random. Like so much else in life, I got the idea somewhere on the internet. Here’s our first installment of Flashback Friday – the 1988 Lowell City Council:

1988 Lowell City Council
Lowell City Council Inauguration Day photo, 1988. Seated from left, Tarsy Poulios, Mayor Richard P Howe Sr, Brian Martin, Joe Fitzpatrick, Gerald Durkin, Brendan Fleming, City Manager James Campbell, Curtis LeMay, Edward “Bud” Caulfield, Robert Kennedy
I love this!
Jerry Durkin is one of the few who have successfully jumped from the School Committee to Council.
Joe Fitzpatrick is the Son In-Law of former councilor Sam Pollard
Bobby Kennedy went on to lead the LRTA.
Brian Martin went to be the Asst. Manager, City Manager, AD at LHS and now works for Congresswomen Tsongas.
6 Of those Councilors in the picture served as Mayor at one time or another (Fitzpatrick, Lemay and Durkin were not)
Joe Fitzpatrick was Massachusetts Secretary of Energy – I think for Gov Ed King. He’s still in the energy business.
Bobby Kennedy is in the the poli-sci text books for his one-vote win for Governor’s Councillor. His opponent didn’t vote!
Jim Campbell joined the GOP and served as the Commissioner for the Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents.
Richard Howe, Sr. served on the Lowell City Council for 40 years – with four terms as Mayor – 1969, 1987, 1989, 1993.
And M. Brendan Fleming was not simply Mayor and multi-term council member. He was also one hell of a college level calculus teacher!
He also held quite definite views on Jack Kerouac!
Yes JC and M. Brendan is a parliamentary expert – he belongs to an exclusive goup of parliamentarians. His views on Jack are legendary.
Curtis LeMay – one of my former students and a close friend – remains active on the Franc-American Week committee and serves as a member of the Mass Democratic State Committee representing the 1st Middlesex District.