Massachusetts Democratic State Convention

I spent Friday night and all day Saturday at the DCU Center in Worcester (formerly known as the Worcester Centrum) for the 2010 Democratic State Convention. On Friday night, Secretary of State Bill Galvin and Attorney General Martha Coakley, both running unopposed in the Democratic Primary, were nominated by acclamation. There was also a tribute to State Auditor Joe DeNucci is is not seeking reelection after 24 years in office.

Saturday began with a roll call of the delegates followed by the nomination of and speeches by Lt Governor Tim Murray and Governor Deval Patrick (I video recorded both and will post them here and on YouTube later today). Next came the two contested races: State Treasurer and State Auditor (more on them below) and the day wrapped up with a moving tribute to the late Senator Ted Kennedy.

In the race for the Democratic nomination for Treasurer, there are two candidates: Steve Grossman and Boston City Councilor Steve Murphy. Grossman won the endorsement of the convention, receiving 3080 (84.38%) votes to Murphy’s 570 (15.62%). Murphy’s percentage, while small, is significant. Had he received less than 15%, he would not advance to the ballot in the primary.

The vote in the three-way auditor’s race was much closer: Former State Representative Suzanne Bump received 1368 votes (37.73%) to Worcester Sheriff Guy Glodis’s 1350 (37.23%) while Mike Lake in his first run for elective office received 908 (25.04%). All three will be on the ballot.

Delegates are seated and the votes are cast by State Senate District. The results for the First Middlesex (which includes Lowell) were Grossman 47 and Murphy 18 in the Treasurer’s race and Glodis 32, Lake 23 and Bump 10 in the Auditor’s contest.

One Response to Massachusetts Democratic State Convention

  1. Brian says:


    Thanks for posting the State Convention results.

    I was whipping in the 1st Middlesex for Mike Lake at the Convention.

    Up to the time just prior to voting I had picked up a number of commitments for Mike, but there were still 6 delegates who said they were undecided.

    Because I had to go back to the NBM Senate district section to vote, I missed half the 1st Middlesex vote count so I wasn’t sure of the final tally for the district.

    When I got back to the 1st Middlesex section many delegates told me that a lot of votes went Mike’s way. I was thinking maybe 15 or 16 votes, but not 23.

    Wow, when I started whipping on Saturday morning we had only 4 committed delegates.

    My thanks goes out to all the the 1st Middlesex delegates who attended the State Convention for their principled commitment to helping Massachusetts continue moving forward.