French President’s Investuture Speech

French President-elect Emmanuel Macron pledges: “to act”, “to serve”

By Louise Peloquin

To follow up on my April 25th post, “The French Election: Sound bites from the front row”, here are some excerpts from Emmanuel Macron’s second investiture speech. [note 1]. The ten-minute oration, broadcast live, was delivered on Saturday May 7th at 11:00 AM at the Elysée Palace in front of 450 guests. Macron’s message [note 2] focused on a call to act and to serve:

“Ladies and Gentlemen,

At the hour when the French have once again entrusted in me the nation’s highest office, the consciousness of the seriousness of the times accompanies me and, from the return of war to Europe to the pandemic, along with environmental urgency and so many crises, rarely has our country and our world been confronted with such challenges….

Now, when many countries have decided to withdraw within themselves… the French have chosen a clear and explicit project for the future, a republican and European project, a project of independence in a destabilized world, a project of scientific, social and ecological progress….

The French have not prolonged the mandate which began on the 14th of May 2017. This new people, different from what it was five years ago, has entrusted in me a new mandate. The time which is beginning will be one of resolute action for France and for Europe.

To act, first of all, to avoid all escalation after the Russian aggression on Ukraine, to help democracy prevail, to build new European peace and new autonomy on our continent.

To act to make our country a stronger agricultural, industrial, scientific and creative power by simplifying our rules and by investing in the France of 2030.

To act to build a society of full employment … because France needs to continue to produce and to innovate.…

To act to make of our country the great ecological power it must be, by radically transforming of our means of producing, traveling, living….

To act to continue to attack inequalities at their root, to remodel our schools and our health care. Schools which are ever more inclusive, which teach fundamental knowledge, fundamental skills and forge republican minds, schools open to culture and to sport, for us who will welcome the 2024 Olympic Games. Health care which is accessible everywhere in our country, by offering more training and by improving working conditions and by better predicting illnesses.

To act in order to continue to build progress for everyone and to work towards equality between men and women.

To act in order to continue to protect our fellow citizens with a strong army, engaged on all continents. Continuing to fight against daily insecurity and against ever lurking terrorism and against new threats like cyber ones.

To act, finally, to reunite… from the rural areas to the inner city neighborhoods, from the large cities to our overseas territories.

Yes, to act, without ceasing, with a course – that of being a more independent nation, of living better and of building French and European responses to the challenges of our century….

Ladies and gentlemen, our past is an ardent witness. It is in the most difficult times that France reveals the best of itself. It is when the wind of tragedy blows that we, the French, find the strength to rise up beyond ourselves and to write history with universal ink.

We are at that point, the moment when the century is shifting, and when great planetary disturbances are occurring. We must, together, trace a path and show a way….

Let us be faithful to the values of liberty, of equality, of fraternity, of secularism which define us….

Let us cherish together this millennium history which binds us to one another. This culture…, this language….

Let us continue to love the Republic and everything which it brings – the preeminence of the general will over individual interests, the recognition of the verdict of the polls, the respect of the law….

Let us love our homeland….

Every day of the mandate which is about to begin, I shall have one compass – to serve.

To serve our country….

To serve our fellow citizens whose sense of duty and whose love of country are our greatest assets.

To serve our children and our youth where my thoughts go at this moment and to whom I make this oath: to leave the planet livelier and stronger.

Vive la République! Vive la France!”


Note 1. Emmanuel Macron’s first investiture speech was on May 14th 2017 kicking off his first five-year presidential term.

Note 2. Translation by Louise Peloquin.