Lowell City Council Preview: May 8, 2018

 Mimi Parseghian previews tonight’s Lowell City Council meeting:


15-Minute Parking Space: Motion by Councilor R. Elliott (3/20/18) “Request City Manager Explore Feasibility of Providing 15 Minute Parking Space at 56 Branch Street.  A sixty-day trial will take place. If at the conclusion of the 60 days, the Police Department and the Engineering Department concur the trial to be successful, a permanent 15-minute parking space will be implemented.

Loading Zone Parking Space: Motion by Councilor R. Elliott (3/20/18) “Request City Manager Explore Feasibility of Providing a Loading Zone Parking Space at 32 Branch Street.”  The response was prepared by Jim Donison, DPW Commissioner.  He wrote, “It is not recommended that a loading zone parking space be approved at this location. There already exists a 15 minute dedicated parking space in the immediate area. In addition, there is a restricted parked area in the immediate area across from the City Fire Station which further restricts parking on this side of the street.

Paving:  Motion by Councilor K. Cirillo (4/24/18) “Add Park Avenue West to the next Re-Paving Contract” and Motion by Councilor R. Elliott “Request City Manager Have Proper Explore Repair of Constance Drive and Placing Same on Paving List.“ The response was prepared by City Manager Eileen Donoghue. It provides in detail the City evaluation procedure for selection of street paving and the process used. Both of these streets have a low rating, “therefore potential candidates for consideration in a future year’s paving list. The estimate to pave both streets is $180,000 – approximately $90,000 per street. In the meantime, the DPW Streets Division will patch the potholes and examine the street and sidewalks to make temporary repairs if possible.”

Marlborough St Pothole Repairs: Motion by Councilor V. Nuon (5/1/18) “Request City Manager Take Necessary Means to Repair Potholes on Marlborough Street.” The response stated that “DPW/Streets Division has investigated this request and has performed the necessary pothole repairs on Marlborough Street.”

New High School Security: Motion by Councilor E. Kennedy (2/27/18) Request City Manager Instruct Perkins Eastman include an Active Shooter Detection System (Similar to Methuen High School system) as Part of the Plans for the New High School and Recommend that the Superintendent of Schools Consider Similar Systems for Other Schools within the City.” In the Administration’s response, City Manager Donoghue wrote that a Security Sub-Committee has been established as part of the planning for the new to High School.  “Throughout the process the group met on a number of occasions and most recently met on April 13, 2018. Security discussions will be ongoing during Module 4 Schematic Design and throughout Module 6 Detailed Design. Representatives from the City Manager’s Office, School Administration, High School staff, Lowell Police, Lowell Fire, Skanska, Perkins|Eastman, as well as two security consultants attended the meeting.”

Security Cameras: Motion by Councilor V. Nuon (4/10/18) “Request City Manager Install Civilian Camera’s in the Treasurer’s/Collector’s Office.” The response was prepared by the City Treasurer, Rodney Conley. He stated that in addition to the “significant up-front cost” ($20,789.86), the logistics will need to be ironed out.  The City Treasurer ended his response by stating “It is worth noting that the office does currently employ several security features such as armored car pick-up and security alarms wired to an alarm monitoring service. These features notwithstanding, cameras have the potential to add a significant extra layer of security for both the staff and the City’s asset.”

Broadcasting from Mayor’s Reception Room (MRR): Motion by Councilor E. Kennedy “Request that Lowell Television Corporation (LTC) Consider Installing the Apparatus Necessary to Televise Sub-Committee Meetings and Other Appropriate Events in the Mayor’s Reception Room (MRR).”  The response was prepared by Mirán Fernandez, Chief Information Officer. It will cost approximately $170,000 for the equipment and about $70,000 for routine broadcasts from the MRR.  Funding will need to be identified and the contract with LTC will need to be modified if the City Council wishes to pursue this project.

The Motion Response agenda also contains “Lowell Police Dept. Training.”  A written response is not attached but last week City Manager Donoghue did state that the Superintendent of Police, William Taylor, will be present at this week’s meeting to answer the motions on this subject.


Councilor John Leahy: Request City Manager Initiate a Program to Involve Community/Business Members to Assist In Beautifying the City.

Councilor John Leahy: Request City Manager Invite Comcast, Verizon and National Grid to a Meeting to Discuss Double Poles and Hanging Wires Present Throughout the City.

Councilor John Leahy: Request City Manager Work with DPW to Develop Best Practices for Inventory Control as it Pertains to Land and Buildings in the City.

Councilor Rita Mercier: Request City Manager Provide a Report Regarding Why Sidewalks Are Not Being Done as Part of Paving Projects in the City; in Addition Fined Ways and Means to do Same. (Per Example C. St.)

Councilor Rita Mercier: Request City Manager Have Proper Department Remove the Barrel from North Llewellyn Street and Fill the Whole or Make Necessary Repairs.

Councilor Rita Mercier: Request City Manager Find Ways and Means to Have Street Light Installed on Pole #41 on East Merrimack Street at Geana Lane.

Councilor Vesna Nuon: Request City Manager Have Law Department Draft an Ordinance Which Would Require City Bid Construction/Development Projects of a Certain Size Which May Involve TIF’s and Within the Hamilton Canal Innovative District Adhere to Minimum Work Force Standards for the Employment of Minorities and Women Which Mirror Current State/Federal Requirements.

Councilor Vesna Nuon: Request City Manager Develop a Recording, Reporting and Accountability Process With Regular Public Meetings Among Stake Holders Pre, Through Post Construction for Construction Workforce Diversity Data on Projects Covered by Prior Proposed Ordinance.

Councilor Vesna Nuon: Request City Manager Direct Proper Department (DPD, Neighborhood Services, LRTA) to Organize a Public Information Session to Inform Residents About Changes to Bus Routes and Bus Stop Locations Resulting from Temporary Closures and Repairs of Canal Bridges.

Councilor David Conway: Request City Manager Report on the Status of the Crossing Light at Douglas Road and Andover Street.

Councilor David Conway: Request City Manager Provide Update on Road Construction at The VFW Highway Across the Street from Top Donut and the Aiken Street Bridge.

Mayor Bill Samaras : Request City Manager Have DPW Look Into Repaving the Playground at the Rogers School.

2 Responses to Lowell City Council Preview: May 8, 2018

  1. Lorraine Farmer says:

    I am thankful to City Councilor Kennedy for requesting LTC to cover Sub-Committee meetings. It is a good way for the voters to know what is happening in the city.
    Also thankful for Councilor Noun for requesting hiring of a firm that promotes diversity in staffing of the Hamilton Canal project.
    Thank you!

  2. Lorraine Farmer says:

    Councilor Conway thank you for staying on the lights on Andover Street and Douglas road.