The War Effort

The War Effort – (PIP #36)

By Louise Peloquin

In his June 9th substack, Richard Howe listed the seven servicemen from Lowell who were killed in Normandy.

The extensive media coverage of the recent 80th anniversary of D-Day etched vivid images of the solemn ceremonies into our hearts.

Here is the front-page L’Etoile report on one of the seven heroes.


The articles below come from L’Etoile’s June 30, 1944 issue

Sargent Paul-J. Nadeau lost his life in France

     Sargent Paul-J. Nadeau, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nadeau née Crevier, 26 Fisher Street, died in action in France according to a Nazi War Department dispatch received by his mother this morning.

     Sargent Nadeau would have been 23 years old next Wednesday. Two days ago, his mother received the Air Force Medal and the Distinction for Good Conduct which her son himself had sent immediately before his last mission. He enrolled on December 16, 1942.

     He leaves his mother, Mrs. Sylvia Nadeau; a brother, Alfred; two sisters, Miss Rita and Mrs. Francis Gagnon.  His father, the late Joseph Nadeau, was a World War I veteran. A cousin, soldier Wallace-S. Gilbert, 22 years old, died last November from wounds received in the Pacific.

     Sargent Paul-J. Nadeau’s funeral service will take place next Monday at St.-Louis Church at 9 AM.


Many other young Lowellian servicemen returned from combat with decorations. Here is one of them.

Decoration for Sargent Ernest Tétreault

     Sargent Ernest T. Tétreault, in active service in the South Pacific, has recently received the Perfect Infantryman Medal. The commendations addressed to him mentioned his skills as a cartographer and his speed as a walker because he had walked twenty-five miles in nine hours and eight miles in two hours.

     Sargent Tetreault enrolled in 1942 and completed his training at Camp Breckenridge, Kentucky. Formerly a barber and hair-cutter, he is the son of Mr. Oliva Tétreault. His wife lives at 513 Westford Street with their son Théodore.


     The Normandy population knew how much it was indebted to the young Americans who delivered them from the enemy. Thus the “Yanks” became “des frères.” (1)

Photo caption: When American troops took back her village in a Cherbourg suburb, this little French girl was delegated to adopt the soldiers as Yankee “brothers,” which pleased them very much.  These Yanks are, from left to right: soldier First Class Charles Glover of Charlotte N.C., soldier Robert-D. Furra of Cushing Texas, T-5th Wm. Johnson of Thomson Georgia and solider O.K. Jones of Delcros Tennessee. (International dispatch)


So many young people crossed the oceans to fight for freedom. Americans who stayed home were also called upon to contribute to the war effort as the following pieces demonstrate.

The War Effort is Necessary

     WASHINGTON, 30 – The White House released a report to President Roosevelt from General George-C. Marshall, Army Chief of Staff; Admiral Ernest-J. King, Navy commander-in-chief and General H.-H. Arnold, Air Force Commander, warning the nation against laxity in the war effort under the pretext that victory had already been won.

     The report presented their observations after a trip to Normandy and their concern for a “state of mind in this country about which the public should be warned.”

     They did not provide any details. However, it was clear that they were greatly worried about the popular belief that the war would now be easily and quickly won. This could result in workers slowing down their efforts on the production front.

     It is obvious that their trip to the front revealed the heavy task to come and all its costs in blood and money.  They do not doubt that victory will be won but they realize that “a tough fight is ahead.”

     Desertions on the domestic front, like desertions on the combat front, “will prolong the war and reduce our prospects for victory.”  The military chiefs added that the war will be won faster if everyone working for the war effort remains on the job until total victory is secured.


New employment law after July 1st

     LOWELL, 30 – After July 1st, all men aged 17 and above who wish to get employment or to change jobs will have to contact the United States Employment Service, announced Director James-H. Sullivan.

     This new decree will be enforced in the whole country in order to ensure the production of war material. A list of approved work will be communicated.

     Workers will be free to choose the desired position and employers will be free to hire the employees they wish.

     Each employee will receive different job offers based on employer requests. The individual’s experience and current salary will be taken into consideration.

     A worker who refuses one of these positions without providing the reason for refusal will not be prevented from obtaining other job opportunities.

     An employee with grievances or dissatisfaction with decisions on his case can appeal the decision with the local committee.

     In setting up the local program, the WMC (2) takes into consideration war effort requirements as well as employee and employer rights in order to cause the fewest misunderstandings possible.  The system is voluntary and is based on worker-employer cooperation. This program is for men only and does not apply to women.


The population is asked not to travel

     Today, the ODT  (3) asked civilians to rest and seek entertainment at home instead of uselessly traveling during the 4th of July weekend.

     The ODT recommended taking advantage of local entertainment, for example visiting beautiful attractions in the surrounding countryside. This request occurred because obtaining seats in trains and buses will become increasingly problematic during the holiday. Even those obliged to travel, military personnel included, will experience inconveniences.

     The ODT added that by refraining from unnecessary travel, not only during holidays but also during the entire year, the population makes a considerable contribution to the war effort. Doing so places the means of transportation at the disposal of the armed forces’ increasing needs, for example, for the wounded returning to the country.

     All pleasure trips requiring means of transportation which cross regional rail or road networks should be stopped, announced the ODT. (4)



  1. “Brothers.”
  2. The War Manpower Commission coordinated various sectors of the wartime economy including industry, agriculture, and the armed forces to sustain production of crucial war material.
  3. The Office of Defense Transportation coordinated and directed the utilization of domestic transportation during World War II.
  4. Translations by Louise Peloquin.