Kerouac Fest Events on Campus at UMass Lowell This Week

Today, 3.30 pm, O’Leary Library, Wilder St, South Campus

Music and Prose

Singer-songwriter Tanya Donelly and author Rick Moody discuss songwriting, artistic influences, and inspiration, as well as their collaborations that experiment with the line between music-making and prose-writing.

Thurs., Oct 11, 3.30 pm, O’Leary Library, Wilder St, South Campus

Poet Anne Waldman in performance, reading her work with musical accompaniment. She is an award-winning poet and co-founder of the Kerouac Writing School at Naropa Univ. in Boulder, Colo., where she is a Distinguished Professor. She will attend the “Beat Generation” play at MRT later and speak after the show.

Friday, Oct 12, 2 p.m., Alumni Hall, One Univ. Ave, North Campus

Physicist David Kaiser will discuss his book “How the Hippies Saved Physics,” which charts the early history of Bell’s theorem and quantum entanglement.

For the full schedule of some 30 events this week, including peformances times for “Beat Generation” at MRT, check or