Mobile Pantry Is One Way to Help in Lowell
The Mobile Pantry of the Merrimack Valley Food Bank provides good food, health info, and social contact for Greater Lowell residents, “many of whom are single elderly women, living alone, economically challenged, and have long term disabilities.” The Mobile Pantry serves more than 320 people, each month bringing 35 pounds of food in the form of 18 meals delivered. The service is free. Sixty volunteers make this operation go. They gave 2,500 hours last year, delivering groceries and visiting people who need company.
$50 will feed one person for a month; $200 covers four months. To donate, contact the MVFB at 735 Broadway in the Acre neighborhood at 978-454-7174 or visit, where you can contribute online and learn about corporate partner and sponsorship programs. Amy Pessia is the Executive Director, and Suellen O’Neill is the Mobile Pantry Director.